Dengue fever in Singapore & Pakistan
Introduction The most common mosquito-borne viral disease in the world Caused by a virus transmitted by the Aedes mosquito (DENV-1 to 4) Could escalate into Dengue Hemorrhagic fever (Dengue Shock Syndrome - Potentially fatal) Dengue fever is not contagious Does not spread by contact with an infected person Spreads by blood
Dengue statistics in Singapore & Pakistan YearSuspected cases Cases laborator y- confirme d Deaths Table 1. Denge fever cases reported from Pakistan, 2009–2011
The Aedes Mosquito Characteristic black and white stripes Only female mosquito bites Viral incubation period of 7 days Peak biting period is at dawn and dusk Life span of approximately 14 days Lays egg 3 times per lifetime Eggs can remain dormant for a period of up to 9 month
Dengue Fever Virus (DENV) A type of RNA virus from the Flaviviridae family Transmitted by anthropods i.e. arboviruses 11,000 nucleotide bases in genome Code for C, prM & E protein molecules 5 strains of virus (DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3, DENV-4) Difference is based on their antigenicity Dengue Virus (TEM microscopy)
Dengue fever diagnosis In laboratory, detection of specific antibodies in patients’ serum Repeated 2-3 weeks later if necessary Commercial rapid test kits are available Molecular detection (Polymerase Chain Reaction) Dengue antigen testing Blood of patient should be taken as soon as possible after the onset of related symptoms
Transmission The virus are transmitted through the bites of infected female mosquitos
Symptoms Dengue fever is like a severe flu-like illness that affects infants, young children, but seldom causes death High fever Severe headache Pain behind the eyes Muscle and joint pains Nausea and vomitting Swollen glands or rash
Symptoms Usually last 2-7 days, after an incubation period of 4-10 days once bitten by an infected mosquito
Treatment Treatment is purely concerned with the relief of the symptoms Rest Fluid intake for adequate hydration Aspirin NSAID Acetoaminophen Codeine
Treatment Chemeri Vax Dengue A tetravalent vaccine Uses Yellow Fever Vaccine as a base 20% conversion Still under research
Prevention Vector control Use mosquito nets, sprays and repellant oil Drain stagnant water sites Wear full clothes at dusk and dawn Fumigation Public awareness/education
Sources type-2/ html type-2/ html itions/d/dengue.html itions/d/dengue.html H%20AllAbout%20Dengue.pdf H%20AllAbout%20Dengue.pdf response/outbreaks/dengue-fever-in-pakistan.html response/outbreaks/dengue-fever-in-pakistan.html