Insufficient Kidney Yang causing weak Liver and Spleen Male, 42, married. Had medical history of emission and premature ejaculation. Impotence the last half year and absence of sexual desire. Atrophy of scrotum. Cold pain around the lumbar area and soft, weak lower limbs. Lassitude and no appetite. Pale and green facial complexion, cold limbs and severe aversion to cold. Pale white tongue and white coating with deep, slow pulse.
Dampness and Heat Blocking the Abdomen Male, 52. often felt bloated abdomen and chest distension. Frequently sighed. Insomnia and dreamy sleep. The last 10 days felt nausea and dizzy. Normal appetite and urine, feces. Dark tongue and thick yellow tongue coating. Wiry and slipper pulse.
Deficiency of Liver and Kidney resulted Upward flow of Liver Yang Female, 40 with medical history of hypertension for 4 years and worsened the last two months. Dizzy often, flushed face and dry mouth. Unable to walk steadily. Constipation, insomnia and dreamy sleep. Red tongue with thin white coating. Wiry and thready, rapid pulse.
Tinnitus- Kidney Yin Deficiency Male, 40. With a medical history of spermatorrhea and involuntary emission. Both ears hard to hear suddenly, lassitude, poor appetite, dreamy sleep, weak limbs. Pale tongue with thin white coating, slow pulse.
Heart Blood Deficiency Syndrome Female, 50 years old. Dizzy and heart palpitation more than ½ years. Irregular menstruation started a year ago. Menstruation blood light color and abundant volume. Continued for 5 months. Took western medicine to stop the flow. Has not notice menstruation more than ½ years. Palpitation, fearful feeling, dreamy and disturbed sleep, amnesia, poor apetite, dry stools. Pale facial complexion, pale lips and nails. Pale white tongue and thin white tongue coating, thready and weak pulse.
Heart Blood Yin Deficiency Syndrome Male, 29 years old. Salesman. Felt low fever, irritation and palpitation more than 3 months. 2 months ago caught cold and high fever for more than a weeks. The symptoms persisted a week and noticed sore and swollen throat and was diagnosed as tonsil inflammation by western doctor. High fever and sore throat reduced but currently still feel feverish on and off. Appetite reduced, dry stools, dry month and craving for drinks. Noticed palpitation, irritability, hot soles and palms, night perspiration. Pale facial complexion and skinny, red tongue scanty tongue coating, rapid and thready pulse.
Flaming Heart Fire Syndrome Female, 51 years old. Self-employed. Irritable and insomnia for more than 2 weeks. High fever, sore throat, body ache, headache two weeks ago. High fever subsided after taking Chinese and western medication but felt lassitude, irritable, difficult to sleep, lots of dream, constipation, quenching for drinks and drink abundantly, craving for cold drinks and food, yellowish urine. Red tongue thin yellow tongue coating, rapid pulse.
Heart Vessels Obstruction Syndrome Male, 59 years old. Manager. History of hypertension > 10 years, high cholesterol and high triglyceride. BP200/110mmHg. Often felt dizzy, back of the head painful, stiff neck. Occasional heart distension and painful. Relaxed after taking lower blood pleasure and enlarged blood vessels medication. Due to the cold weather recently, heartache worsen and pricking pain. Also felt palpitation with fear, cold limbs and cold perspiration, pale enlarged tongue with white and thick tongue coating, deep and slippery pulse.
Lung Qi-Deficiency Syndrome Male, 53 years old, worker. Often suffered from cold. Has been coughing and panting without improvement for more than 1 year. Currently coughing, lassitude, short breath, panting when active. Feeble voice, pale and white facial complexion, lassitude, self- perspiration and aversion to wind, pale white tongue and white coating, deficient pulse.
Lung Yin Deficiency Syndrome Female, 21 years, student. Dry cough and scanty phlegm, blood-stained sputum sometimes, chest pain, tidal fever, red cheeks, dry throat and mouth, red tongue, thin yellow tongue coating and absence of moist, thready and rapid pulse.
Spleen Yang Deficiency Syndrome Female, 42 years old. Housewife. Feeble body constitutions from young, poor appetite and eat little, soft stools. Felt abdomen cold pain for the past half year. Prefer touch and warmth, soft and loose stools, white and thin leucorrhoea (vagina discharge), aversion to cold and cold limbs, scanty urine, swollen lower limbs, pale white tongue and enlarged with tooth-mark, white and slippery tongue coating, feeble and deep pulse.
Failure of Spleen to Control Blood Syndrome Female, 30 years. Admin staff. Incontinence menstruation after giving birth 2 years ago. Duration of menstruation 10 days and cycle of menstruation about 15 days. Light color and scanty menstruation blood. Often felt lassitude, short breath, dislike to talk, bloated abdomen and poor appetite, soft and loose stools, light yellow facial complexion, pale white tongue and white tongue coating, feeble and weak pulse.
Spleen blocked by Cold Damp Syndrome Male, 42 years old, odd-job laborer. Worked outdoor in the rain 10 days ago. Felt abdomen pain and bloated after reaching home. Dull yellow facial complexion, poor appetite and eat little, soft stools, heavy head and body, not thirsty and felt tasteless. 2 days ago felt nausea and vomiting, swelling limbs, scanty urine, pale and enlarged tongue, slow and weak pulse.
Tinnitus- Kidney Yin Deficiency Male, 40. had a medical history of spermatorrhea and involuntary emission. Both ears hard to hear suddenly, lassitude, poor appetite, dreamy sleep, weak limbs. Pale tongue with thin white coating, slow pulse.