Postgraduate Quiz Instructions All slides carry equal marks There is no negative marking Each slide will be given 30 seconds to 1 minute after reading out the question All the Best!
Q1. 18 years female presented with high grade fever She was a known case of HIV PBF Identify the abnormality Advice Cytochemistry
Q2. 48 years ♀ presented with weakness & variable cytopenias She was being treated for depression Trephine biopsy Identify the abnormality Advice Confirmatory test
Q3. 15 years male presented with fever with chills PBF Identify the abnormality Name the Vector
Q4. HPLC graph from BioRad Classic Identify the abnormality What will be the expected clinical phenotype?
Q5. Identify the preparation Enumerate 2 conditions where the test may be positive
Q6. 64 year male with splenomegaly. Interpret the flow cytometry Suggest a molecular confirmatory test for this disease?
Q8. Describe the morphology of the cell in the peripheral blood film. Mention 2 conditions where this can be seen
Q9. AB Normal Patient Spot the abnormality Name 2 conditions where the abnormality can be seen
Father (Case II) Son (Case I ) ? Methemoglobin levels: 7.5% & after blood transfusion- 0.3% OxyHb is capable of reversible oxygenation; its heme iron is in the reduced (or ferrous) state MetHb: Heme oxidizes spontaneously & is incapable of reversible oxygenation
Q years ♀ presented with gum bleeds & skin nodule Blood counts showed increased TLC with thrombocytopenia BM aspirate 1.Suggest possible diagnosis 2. Suggest associated cytogenetic abnormality
Q6. 2 year male presented with epistaxis Coagulogram: PT- 13 sec, APTT-27 secs, N platelets Platelet aggregation Physiological Agonists ADP 10 M Collagen 2 g/ml Epinephrine 10 M Arachidonic acid 0.5mM What is the diagnosis? What will you find in a finger prick smear What is the mode of inheritance of the condition?
Q 10. Name any 2 agents that can be used for decalcification of bone marrow biopsies.
Q 11. Kidney biopsy from a 33 yr female with seizures and acute renal failure following fever for a day. What is the diagnosis? What will the PT & PTTK results? Mention one therapeutic modality.
Two siblings ages 3 & 5 years presented with pallor and mild hemolytic facies BM was done to investigate cause of anemia Q 12. BM aspirate Descibe the BM findings Any confirmatory tests?
Trephine biopsy Q months child presented with progressive anemia and splenomegaly Screening for thalassemia was negative Descibe the findings Any special stains?
Q yrs male presented with fever & echymosis for 3 days Blood cell counts showed anemia, leucocytosis and thrombocytopenia BM MPO Describe the BM findings and interpret the MPO stain
Q 15. Describe the BM aspirate finding