Routing Permutation in the Baseline Network and in the Omega Network Student : Tzu-hung Chen 陳子鴻 Advisor : Chiuyuan Chen Department of Applied Mathematics National Chiao Tung University
Outline Preliminaries Previous results Motivation Our results Concluding remarks
N × N multistage interconnection network (MIN) P0P0 P1P1 P N-1 N×N MIN O0O0 O1O1 O N-1 Preliminaries
stage 0 stage 1 stage The number of processors (inputs/ outputs) : The number of stages : Preliminaries N = 8, n = 3 InputOutput switching element
Preliminaries A 2 × 2 switching element has only two possible states: straight, cross. (a) straight sub port 0 sub port 1 sub port 0 sub port 1 (b) cross sub port 0 sub port 1 sub port 0 sub port 1
Preliminaries (a) 4×4 Baseline network (b ) 4×4 Omega network
N-2 N-1 N-3 N-4 n-1 stages 1 0 N-2 N-1 (a) N × N Baseline network(b ) N × N Omega network Preliminaries
(a) 8×8 Baseline network (b ) 8×8 Omega network Preliminaries
Unique path: there is a unique path between each source (input) and each destination (output). Preliminaries Self routable: a routing in the network only depends on the source and the destination. Control tag is a sequence of labels that label the successive links on a path.
Input 0 can get to output 6 by using control tag Preliminaries stage 0 stage 1 stage
Conflict Preliminaries Have the same node stage 0 stage 1 stage 2 Have the same link => link-disjoint=> node-disjoint
Preliminaries A permutation of an MIN is one-to-one mapping between the inputs and outputs. For convenience, let
stage 0 stage 1stage 2 Preliminaries No conflict occurs in the network. P is an admissible permutation.
Preliminaries stage 0 stage 1stage 2 Not admissible!Conflict!
Preliminaries A semi-permutation P
Example Preliminaries
Previous results
In [11], Shen et al. proposed an O(N logN) algorithm to determine the admissibility of an arbitrary permutation to the Omega network; their results are applicable to Omega-equivalent networks.
In [18], Yang and Wang proposed an algorithm to decompose an arbitrary permutation into two semi-permutations. Previous results
In [17], Yang and Wang used the idea in [18] to prove that an arbitrary permutation can be realized in a Baseline network with node-disjoint paths in four passes.
Although [11] claimed that their results are applicable to Omega-equivalent networks, an admissible permutation of the Omega network may not be an admissible permutation of the Baseline network. We propose an algorithm to determine the admissibility of permutations for the Baseline network.
stage 0 stage 1stage 2 Motivation stage 0 stage 1stage 2 (a) Omega network (b) Baseline network
The algorithm in [11] has one step that can be removed without breaking the correct of the algorithm. Motivation We propose an algorithm to determine the admissibility of permutations for the Omega network that does not need the step in [11].
The motivation of [17] In [17], Yang and Wang proved that an arbitrary permutation can be realized in a Baseline network with node-disjoint paths in four passes. In this thesis, we implement the decomposition algorithm in [18] and the algorithm in [17] into a C++ computer program.
Our results
Determine the admissibility of permutations for the Baseline network Determine the admissibility of permutations for the Omega network We implement the decomposition algorithm in [18] and the algorithm in [17] into a C++ computer program.
The Baseline network stage 0 N×N Baseline network N-2 N-3 N-4 N-1
The Baseline network A permutation P is admissible in a Baseline network if
Determine the admissibility of permutations for the Baseline network Input 2i Input 2i+1 Input 2i Input 2i+1 Input 2i Input 2i+1 Input 2i Input 2i+1 stage 0
Algorithm Baseline -Admissible
Our results
The Omega network
stage 0 stage 1stage 2stage stage 0 stage 1stage 2 (a) 8 × 8 Omega network (b) 16×16 Omega network
(i) The upper N/4 switching elements of stage n−1 (the last stage) belong to U and the lower N/4 switching elements of stage n−1 belong to L. (ii) For each switching element of stage ℓ (ℓ = n−2, n−3,..., 1), if this switching element is adjacent to a switching element of stage ℓ+1 which belongs to U (L), then it belongs to U (L). Define sub network U and sub network L
stage 0 stage 1stage 2stage 3 (a) 8 × 8 Omega network stage 0 stage 1stage 2 (b) 16×16 Omega network sub network U
The Omega network A permutation P is admissible in a Omega network if
(a)(b) N = 16 Determine the admissibility of permutations for the Omega network stage 0 stage 1stage 2stage 3 stage 0 stage 1stage 2
Algorithm Omega -Admissible
Our results
We implement the decomposition algorithm in [18] and the algorithm in [17] into a C++ computer program. Our results
Our result The output of our program
Concluding Remarks
We propose an algorithm to determine whether a permutation is admissible to the Baseline network. We also propose an algorithm to determine whether a permutation is admissible to the Omega network. We have also implemented the decomposition algorithm in [18] and the algorithm in [17] into a C++ computer program.
Compare Algorithm [11]Omega network This thesis Baseline network and Omega network( remove one step in [11])
Thank you for your attention !
Previous results