1 CST - Computer Simulation Technology May-15www.cst.de Electrostatic Comb Actuator (1) Electrostatic comb actuator using MEMS process. Mover (green color) 200 ㎛ 480 ㎛ Stator (pink color)
2 CST - Computer Simulation Technology May-15www.cst.de Electrostatic Comb Actuator (2) This structure can be used for actuator or sensor. The force, Electric fields can be calculated using CST EMS.
3 CST - Computer Simulation Technology May-15www.cst.de F2/F1 = 1.45 F2 =1.6654e-009 N F1 = e-009 N Electrostatic Comb Actuator (3) There are 2 types of electronodes which are rectangular type & triangular type. When a DC voltage applied, The actuator operated. Force changed with various finger types. The force cannot be calculated by numerical express for manifold finger types. So 3D EM simulator is very useful for this analysis.