Unit 6 Lesson 2 Grade 2 2008 Imagine It Reading Series.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 6 Lesson 2 Grade Imagine It Reading Series


Daily News I am making a family tree for school. Tomorrow afternoon I am going to write a note to my grandparents to get information about my family. I will ask them if they know where my ancestors came from. I also want to know where and when some of my relatives were born.













Phonics and Fluency 1. listen answer rhino depot 2. sign gnaw scene school 3. climb comb lamb thumb

2. I listened to my mom read the story. 1. My dog licked the crumb off my thumb.

Syllabication 1. lis.ten 2. an.swer 3. rhi.no 4. de.pot

Vocabulary brisk…

... quick and lively.

Vocabulary doe…

... a female deer.

Vocabulary leather…

... material made from animal skin.

Vocabulary shed…

... a small building used for storing things.

Vocabulary recycling…

... using throwaway items for another purpose.

Vocabulary fabric…

... cloth.

Vocabulary citizens…

... a person who was born in a country or who chooses to live in and become a member of a country.

Vocabulary adopted…

... to take as one’s own.


Daily News My grandparents answered my letter. They told me my ancestors came to America from Sweden in My ancestors traveled to America on a steamship. The trip took about two months. I doubt the trip to America was easy.

Phonics and Fluency 1. listen answer rhino depot 2. sign gnaw scene school 3. climb comb lamb thumb

2. I listened to my mom read the story. 1. My dog licked the crumb off my thumb.

Vocabulary brisk…

... quick and lively.

Vocabulary doe…

... a female deer.

Vocabulary leather…

... material made from animal skin.

Vocabulary shed…

... a small building used for storing things.

Vocabulary recycling…

... using throwaway items for another purpose.

Vocabulary fabric…

... cloth.

Vocabulary citizens…

... a person who was born in a country or who chooses to live in and become a member of a country.

Vocabulary adopted…

... to take as one’s own.

Dictation 1. doubt 2. scent 3. half

Dictation 4. limb 5. crumb 6. hour

Dictation 7. Wednesday 8. Do you listen to your teacher at school?


Daily News After school on Wednesday, my mom and I were cleaning our basement. My mom found her grandmother’s diary. I listened as my mom read about her grandmother’s life. It was fascinating!

Phonics and Fluency 1. disagree dislike 2. dishonest disobey 3. unkind uncovered 4. unknown unwise

Phonics and Fluency 1. misplace miscount 2. misinform misunderstand 3. midyear midnight 4. midway midtown

Syllabication dis.a.gree dis.hon.est dis.like dis.o.bey

un.kind un.known un.cov.ered un.wise

mis.place mis.in.form mis.count mis.un.der.stood

mid.way mid.year mid.night mid.town

Vocabulary brisk…

... quick and lively.

Vocabulary doe…

... a female deer.

Vocabulary leather…

... material made from animal skin.

Vocabulary shed…

... a small building used for storing things.

Vocabulary recycling…

... using throwaway items for another purpose.

Vocabulary fabric…

... cloth.

Vocabulary citizens…

... a person who was born in a country or who chooses to live in and become a member of a country.

Vocabulary adopted…

... to take as one’s own.


Daily News To many immigrants, the Statue of Liberty is an unforgettable sight. Built by a French sculptor, the statue was a gift from France to America. After the statue was completed in France, it had to be disassembled and shipped to America. In New York, it was put back together. Today the Statue of Liberty is a symbol of hope and freedom.

Phonics and Fluency 1. disagree dislike 2. dishonest disobey 3. unkind uncovered 4. unknown unwise

Phonics and Fluency 1. misplace miscount 2. misinform misunderstand 3. midyear midnight 4. midway midtown

Vocabulary brisk…

... quick and lively.

Vocabulary doe…

... a female deer.

Vocabulary leather…

... material made from animal skin.

Vocabulary shed…

... a small building used for storing things.

Vocabulary recycling…

... using throwaway items for another purpose.

Vocabulary fabric…

... cloth.

Vocabulary citizens…

... a person who was born in a country or who chooses to live in and become a member of a country.

Vocabulary adopted…

... to take as one’s own.


Phonics and Fluency 1. listen answer rhino depot 2. sign gnaw scene school 3. climb comb lamb thumb

2. I listened to my mom read the story. 1. My dog licked the crumb off my thumb.

Phonics and Fluency 1. disagree dislike 2. dishonest disobey 3. unkind uncovered 4. unknown unwise

Phonics and Fluency 1. misplace miscount 2. misinform misunderstand 3. midyear midnight 4. midway midtown

Vocabulary brisk…

... quick and lively.

Vocabulary doe…

... a female deer.

Vocabulary leather…

... material made from animal skin.

Vocabulary shed…

... a small building used for storing things.

Vocabulary recycling…

... using throwaway items for another purpose.

Vocabulary fabric…

... cloth.

Vocabulary citizens…

... a person who was born in a country or who chooses to live in and become a member of a country.

Vocabulary adopted…

... to take as one’s own.

Spelling Words 1. listen 2. castle 3. rustle 4. whistle 5. rhino

Spelling Words 6. answer 7. doubt 8. island 9. would 10. could

Spelling Challenge Words 1. chaos