By: Grace Forster and Ashlyn Cowan
a process that seperates large molecules (including nucleic acids or proteins) by size, electric charge, and physical properties Invented in 1975 by Fred Sanger
Seperates by: ◦ Charge The negatively charged DNA moves towards the positively charged end of the gel ◦ Size The larger the particles the less far they are able to travel through the gel ◦ Physical properties Different shapes and qualities affects how certain DNA move through the gel
1. Permeable gel with a row of holes on one side is filled with DNA samples 2. An electric current is sent through the gel 1.The DNA is negativly charged so it moves towards the positively charged opposite end 3. The larger DNA fragments cannot travel as far through the gel, so bands are formed where the fragments stop 1.Staining the DNA with methylene blue allows us to see bands with naked eye or else we must look at them under UV light after staining them with ethidium bromide 4. These bands can be used to compare DNA similarity
This is an agarose gel that you mix together and cast by baking it in an oven and then letting it cool. Once cooled one uses A comb-like structure to make the holes.
Use pipette to carefully fill the holes with each specific DNA
Place gel in tray filled with a buffer covering the gel ◦ The negative electrode attaches to the end near the holes holding the DNA ◦ The positive end attaches toward the opposite end to attract the negatively charged phosphate groups of the DNA Electrodes are attached to power supply and turned on Once DNA has moved through gel, turn off power supply
Stain the gel with Methylene blue to see it with the naked eye or Stain the gel with ethidium bromide which binds to the DNA and flouresces in the UV light
DNA profiling using ◦ probes ◦ PCR Gene analysis