I. Good News About the Messiah... A. He would be born of a virgin. 1. Whose name will be Immanuel - “God with us” (Isaiah 7:14). 2. Fulfilled in the birth of Jesus to Mary (Matthew 1:18-23). The Gospel of Isaiah
I. Good News About the Messiah... B. He would be a wonderful Child. 1. Destined to reign (Isaiah 9:6-7). 2. Announced by the angels at Jesus’ birth (Luke 2:11).
The Gospel of Isaiah I. Good News About the Messiah... C. He would be of David’s line. (Jesse) 1. Descending from the “stem of Jesse” (David’s father) - (Isaiah 11:1). 2. Jesus’ lineage shown in Matthew One and Luke Three.
The Gospel of Isaiah I. Good News About the Messiah... D. Spirit of the Lord would rest upon Him. 1. With wisdom, understanding, counsel might, knowledge & fear of the Lord (Isaiah 11:2). 2. Manifested at His baptism (Matthew 3:16).
II. Good News About His Ministry... A. He would be preceded by a forerunner. 1. One sent to prepare the way (Isaiah 40:3-5). 2. Fulfilled in the ministry of John the Baptist (Matthew 3:1-3). The Gospel of Isaiah
II. Good News About His Ministry... B. He would preach good news (“gospel”). 1. “The acceptable year of the Lord” (Isaiah 61:1-3). 2. Fulfilled by His preaching in Nazareth (Luke 4:16-21). The Gospel of Isaiah
II. Good News About His Ministry... C. He would bring light to those in Galilee. 1. In the regions of Zebulun & Naphtali (Isaiah 9:1-2). 2. Fulfilled by living & preaching in Capernaum (Matthew 4:12-16). The Gospel of Isaiah
II. Good News About His Ministry... D. He would not promote Himself. 1. By quarreling or crying out in the streets (Isaiah 42:1-3). 2. Fulfilled in Jesus’ response to threats on His life (Matthew 12:14-21). The Gospel of Isaiah
II. Good News About His Ministry... E. He would suffer on our behalf. 1. Despised and rejected (Isaiah 53:1-3; John 1:12). 2. His suffering for our sins (Isaiah 53:4-6,8; Matthew 8:17; I Peter 2:24). The Gospel of Isaiah
II. Good News About His Ministry... E. He would suffer on our behalf. 3. Silent before accusers (Isaiah 53:7; Matthew 27:12-14). 4. His grave with wicked & the rich (Isaiah 53:9; Matthew 27:38,57-60). The Gospel of Isaiah