THE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND H IV Programme “Do not be afraid – I am with you!” (Isaiah 43:5) The Church of Scotland HIV Programme Making a difference
THE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND H IV Programme “Do not be afraid – I am with you!” (Isaiah 43:5) There are an estimated 34 million people living with HIV in the world today
THE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND H IV Programme “Do not be afraid – I am with you!” (Isaiah 43:5) HIV and AIDS contribute to the lack of development in poorer countries
THE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND H IV Programme “Do not be afraid – I am with you!” (Isaiah 43:5) Being HIV+ was often seen as a death sentence, but today...
THE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND H IV Programme “Do not be afraid – I am with you!” (Isaiah 43:5) …given access to medication (ARVs) and food...
THE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND H IV Programme “Do not be afraid – I am with you!” (Isaiah 43:5) people can lead a normal life.
THE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND H IV Programme “Do not be afraid – I am with you!” (Isaiah 43:5) Through its partners the Church of Scotland HIV Programme is making a difference by...
THE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND H IV Programme “Do not be afraid – I am with you!” (Isaiah 43:5) supporting awareness- raising programmes, and encouraging people to go for testing,
THE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND H IV Programme “Do not be afraid – I am with you!” (Isaiah 43:5) challenging the stigma and discrimination which people living with HIV often meet,
THE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND H IV Programme “Do not be afraid – I am with you!” (Isaiah 43:5) providing care and support for people living with HIV,
THE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND H IV Programme “Do not be afraid – I am with you!” (Isaiah 43:5) and helping people living with HIV to get access to the medication they need.
THE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND H IV Programme “Do not be afraid – I am with you!” (Isaiah 43:5) We also help people through giving loans to start their own small businesses...
THE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND H IV Programme “Do not be afraid – I am with you!” (Isaiah 43:5) and to grow their own food,...
THE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND H IV Programme “Do not be afraid – I am with you!” (Isaiah 43:5) so that people can access adequate food and nutrition...
THE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND H IV Programme “Do not be afraid – I am with you!” (Isaiah 43:5) to give people life in all its fullness.
THE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND H IV Programme “Do not be afraid – I am with you!” (Isaiah 43:5) Want to know more? We’d like to hear from you. Pick up a leaflet or contact the Programme office.
THE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND H IV Programme “Do not be afraid – I am with you!” (Isaiah 43:5) Thank you for your support for the Church of Scotland HIV Programme