Opening the Scriptures! Three Year Study thru the Bible Daily Reading - Bookmark available in the back Weekly Study – on Wednesday nights at 6:30 This week: Isaiah 1-6 Jesus expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself … And He opened their understanding, that they might comprehend the Scriptures Luke 24:27,45
209 years 345 years Isaiah
Joram Johram Ahaziah Athaliah Jehu Jehoahaz Joash Jehoash Jeroboam II Zechariah Shallum MenahemPekah Pekahiah Hoshea 722 bc Assyrian Captivity Ten Tribes of Israel Amaziah Uzziah Jotham Ahaz Hezekiah Manasseh ObadiahJoel JonahAmosHosea Isaiah Micah
I. Condemnation (1–39) A. God’s Judgment on His prideful people (1–6) B. Restoration thru Chastisement (7-12) C. God’s Judgment on other nations (13-27) D. Woes against the sins of the people (28–35) E. Historical Interlude (36–39) (King Hezekiah) II. Consolation (40–66) (The remnant returns home) A. God’s Greatness (40–48) B. God’s Grace (49–57) C. God’s Glory (58–66) Outline of Isaiah
A. God’s Judgment on His prideful people (1–6) 1. God’s complaint against Judah (1:1–31) a. God’s people like rebellious kids (1:1-4) b. God’s people won’t be disciplined (1:5-9) c. God’s people’s futile religiousness (1:10-15) d. God’s solution: Clean & obedient (1:16-20) e. Sad state of God’s people (1:21-23) f. What God will do with His people (1:24-31) Outline of Isaiah 1-6
A. God’s Judgment on His prideful people (1–6) 1. God’s complaint against Judah (1:1–31) 2. Preview of Future Judah (2) 3. Judgment on Judah’s Leaders (3) A. Famine & defeat (3:1-3) B. Anarchy will prevail (3:4–12). C. God pleads against them (3:13–15) D. God’s judgment on the women (3:16–4:1) Outline of Isaiah 1-6
A. God’s Judgment on His prideful people (1–6) 1. God’s complaint against Judah (1:1–31) 2. Preview of Future Judah (2) 3. Judgment on Judah’s Leaders (3) 4. Coming Leader – the Messiah (4) 5. Parable of the Vineyard (5) Outline of Isaiah 1-6
6 woes – Bitter Fruit to God 1. Selfish Materialism (v.8-10) 2. Living for pleasure instead of God (v.11-17) 3. Bold, abundant, mocking in sin (v18-19) 4. Twisting morality right = wrong (v.20) 5. Pride – arrogance, independence (v.21) 6. Unrighteous leaders “mighty men ”–(v.22-23)
A. God’s Judgment on His prideful people (1–6) 1. God’s complaint against Judah (1:1–31) 2. Preview of Future Judah (2) 3. Judgment on Judah’s Leaders (3) 4. Coming Leader – the Messiah (4) 5. Parable of the Vineyard (5) 6. Isaiah sees God, humbled, called (6) Outline of Isaiah 1-6