Over-fishing The pros, cons, and other information about how over-fishing affects the world.
Summary Without fish, the whole world could dramatically change Fishermen should care because their jobs are on the line A lot of other people should care because they eat the fish Species like the blue fin tuna and some sharks are disappearing
The Pros and Cons Pros –When all of the fish is sold to a market or any store, people can ingest vital nutrients. Cons –Without a lot of fish, larger fish can go hungry and that can ruin the food chain. –When there is a small number of fish, fishermen lose jobs. –After the fish are hauled on a boat, the fish have trouble replenishing their numbers.
How The Fish are Used People eat the fish after they are sold to a store or market (36 million tons a year). Natural predators also eat the fish.
Who is Affected? The North Sea, Canada’s East Coast, and the U.S. are experiencing low amounts of fish. Some communities that depend on fishing to meet their needs.
Our Opinions We should stop our relentless fishing. We should also look to a more abundant species of fish as an alternative. These fish have populations of over 1 million individual fish. However, we should fish these alternative species carefully.
Solutions and Feelings About Them Find a booming population of fish like the veiled anglemouth (showed last slide). Fishermen will regain jobs. People will have a new exotic fish to eat. But, we should fish these abundant species in small pockets, only fishing when absolutely needed. Fishermen wouldn't like this because they probably won’t get paid as much (the usual 80 billion a year). People will most likely have and increasing demand for the new fish.
Other Information and Facts The blue fin tuna, an over-fished species, could become extinct in a few years. Japanese fishermen catch the blue fin more than any other country. Many species of shark are also being over-fished. When sharks disappear, so do scallops. There aren’t enough sharks to eat rays and skates that eat the scallops. Then, when the rays dig up the clams, shrimp and other shellfish’s eggs are destroyed. All because we over-fished sharks.