Behind Closed Doors
INTRODUCTION How does your home appear to others? How does your home appear to others? Is it a testimony for your Christian values? Is it a testimony for your Christian values? Is it a witness to discord and selfishness? Is it a witness to discord and selfishness?
INTRODUCTION What do you feel when you walk into the house or around each other? What do you feel when you walk into the house or around each other? – Team – Partnership – Harmony
INTRODUCTION A piercing question in 2 Kings 20:15. A piercing question in 2 Kings 20:15. – Then in Isaiah 38:1 – “put your house in order.” New Bible Commentary puts Hezekiah’s age at 39. New Bible Commentary puts Hezekiah’s age at 39. Anyone ever tested for or diagnosed with a fatal disease has a good idea of what was running through Hezekiah’s mind. Anyone ever tested for or diagnosed with a fatal disease has a good idea of what was running through Hezekiah’s mind.
INTRODUCTION A piercing question in 2 Kings 20:15. A piercing question in 2 Kings 20:15. – Then in Isaiah 38:1 – “put your house in order.” Hezekiah’s thoughts (Read Isaiah 38:2-3) Hezekiah’s thoughts (Read Isaiah 38:2-3) Read Deut. 6:10-12 – the lesson “remember you were slaves.” Read Deut. 6:10-12 – the lesson “remember you were slaves.” Where were Hezekiah’s descendants heading? (Isaiah 39:7) Where were Hezekiah’s descendants heading? (Isaiah 39:7)
INTRODUCTION A piercing question in 2 Kings 20:15. A piercing question in 2 Kings 20:15. – Then in Isaiah 38:1 – “put your house in order.” Deut. 6:4-8 and our attitude toward our children Deut. 6:4-8 and our attitude toward our children If you have children in your home, are you active or passive about teaching them about God? If you have children in your home, are you active or passive about teaching them about God? Do you personally teach them, or do you mostly leave it to the church? Do you personally teach them, or do you mostly leave it to the church?
INTRODUCTION A piercing question in 2 Kings 20:15. A piercing question in 2 Kings 20:15. – Then in Isaiah 38:1 – “put your house in order.” If a stranger were in your home for two days, what would the stranger see regarding treatment of and among family members? If a stranger were in your home for two days, what would the stranger see regarding treatment of and among family members?
INTRODUCTION Guard hearts and those of your family (priorities, electronics, outburst, conflict resolution, home is one arena of “daily operations of Christianity”.(Eph. 6:1-4) Guard hearts and those of your family (priorities, electronics, outburst, conflict resolution, home is one arena of “daily operations of Christianity”.(Eph. 6:1-4)
WHAT IS THE MISSION OF YOUR HOME? Successful businesses have a Mission Statement that drives the entire business Successful businesses have a Mission Statement that drives the entire business The Church has a Mission Statement with 3 components: Evangelism, Edification and Limited Benevolence (1 Ths. 1:8; Eph. 4:12; 1 Cor. 16:1-2). The Church has a Mission Statement with 3 components: Evangelism, Edification and Limited Benevolence (1 Ths. 1:8; Eph. 4:12; 1 Cor. 16:1-2).
WHAT IS THE MISSION OF YOUR HOME? What is the Mission of Your Home? What is the Mission of Your Home? – Why are you married? – What are you trying to do?
WHAT IS THE MISSION OF YOUR HOME? What is the Mission of Your Home? What is the Mission of Your Home? – Example: “The Mission of this home is to nurture and nourish the mind, body and spirit of all who enter by creating a warm and welcoming refuge and an atmosphere of love, learning, simplicity and order so that our own family and guests alike will leave here feeling refreshed, encourage and well-loved”
WHAT IS THE MISSION OF YOUR HOME? What is the Mission of Your Home? What is the Mission of Your Home? – Start with: Our mission is to… Our mission is to… by doing…. by doing…. so that … so that …
WHAT IS THE MISSION OF YOUR HOME? Follow this with Goals that fall within this mission. These are targets you want to achieve. Follow this with Goals that fall within this mission. These are targets you want to achieve. Then, what activities fit within the Mission and Goals? What does not fit? Then, what activities fit within the Mission and Goals? What does not fit? This is a Bible concept (Heb. 12:1, 2). This is a Bible concept (Heb. 12:1, 2).
AS GOES THE HOME, SO GOES THE CHURCH The home, like the church, can be sidetracked from its’ mission by dealing with activities and behaviors that are counterproductive to its’ mission, goals, and activities. The home, like the church, can be sidetracked from its’ mission by dealing with activities and behaviors that are counterproductive to its’ mission, goals, and activities.
AS GOES THE HOME, SO GOES THE CHURCH Some examples: Some examples: – Immorality (1 Cor. 5) – Hurt people hurt people – A family of secrets – Seeking a way out, giving up, making marriage an endurance rather than a home
AS GOES THE HOME, SO GOES THE CHURCH Some examples: Some examples: – Erosion from the mission and goals Intimacy stops Intimacy stops Communication is limited Communication is limited Honesty stops Honesty stops Bitterness starts consuming Bitterness starts consuming Any issue is a reason to argue Any issue is a reason to argue Cut downs vs building up (edifying each other) Cut downs vs building up (edifying each other)
MARRIAGE STYLE Open vs closed family systems Open vs closed family systems Two positive examples Two positive examples – The Virtuous Woman – freedom and trust (Prov. 31:10-31) Looks well to the ways of her household Looks well to the ways of her household Made independent decisions (real estate, made clothing for merchants) Made independent decisions (real estate, made clothing for merchants) Husband is supported by her conduct Husband is supported by her conduct Her children honor her (call her blessed) Her children honor her (call her blessed)
MARRIAGE STYLE – Abraham and Sarah (1 Peter 3:1-7; Genesis snapshot) “Time to move” “Time to move” “Move again” to Egypt – a bad decision “Move again” to Egypt – a bad decision “Sported” – some romance “Sported” – some romance Agreed to lie twice (consequences each time). Agreed to lie twice (consequences each time). Problem solving (Hagar and Ishmael being sent off) Problem solving (Hagar and Ishmael being sent off) Abraham the Spiritual leader and became “father of the faithful” (Gal. 3:7; Heb. 11:8-19) Abraham the Spiritual leader and became “father of the faithful” (Gal. 3:7; Heb. 11:8-19) There are no perfect marriages, BUT bad directions when corrected can help a marriage to mature and grow. There are no perfect marriages, BUT bad directions when corrected can help a marriage to mature and grow.
NOT ALL HOMES ARE HAPPY Subjection Vs. Little Tyrant (Eph. 4:22- 6:4) Subjection Vs. Little Tyrant (Eph. 4:22- 6:4) Low Simmer Homes Low Simmer Homes Avoidant Or Ignoring Homes Avoidant Or Ignoring Homes – Home is a filling station – Ships in the night – Issues keep building (Eph. 4:31)
NOT ALL HOMES ARE HAPPY Explosive Homes Explosive Homes Domestic Violence/Abuse (Eph. 5:22- 6:1-4; Col. 3:21) Domestic Violence/Abuse (Eph. 5:22- 6:1-4; Col. 3:21) Blended Families Blended Families
CONCLUSION What needs to happen to “put your house in order”? What needs to happen to “put your house in order”? What is the mission of your home? What is the mission of your home? What happens behind closed doors? What happens behind closed doors? What have they seen in your house? What have they seen in your house?