Eliminating the Snares: Seeking God’s Glory Drink deeply, joyfully and often from the “WELLS of salvation.” Isaiah 12:3 Worshipping
Eliminating the Snares: Declaring God’s Story Drink deeply, joyfully and often from the “WELLS of salvation.” Isaiah 12:3 Evangelism
Eliminating the Snares: Showing God’s compassion Drink deeply, joyfully and often from the “WELLS of salvation.” Isaiah 12:3 Loving
Eliminating the Snares: Applying God’s Truth Drink deeply, joyfully and often from the “WELLS of salvation.” Isaiah 12:3 Learning
Eliminating the Snares: Reflecting God’s Son Drink deeply, joyfully and often from the “WELLS of salvation.” Isaiah 12:3 Serving
Eliminating the Snares: Moving forward as a nurturing community where believers maturely bring glory to Jesus Christ. Worship, Evangelism, Loving, Learning, Serving Our Direction
Eliminating the Snares: Moving forward as a reproducing community where believers joyfully drink of the WELLS of salvation Worship, Evangelism, Loving, Learning, Serving Our Direction
Eliminating the Snares: Moving forward as a reproducing community where believers opportunistically share the Good News of Jesus Christ Worship, Evangelism, Loving, Learning, Serving Our Direction
Eliminating the Snares: Moving forward as a sending place where believers practically engage in significant ministries. Worship, Evangelism, Loving, Learning, Serving Our Direction
Eliminating the Snares: Moving forward as a gathering place where believers eagerly value ministry diversity within the Church. Worship, Evangelism, Loving, Learning, Serving Our Direction
Eliminating the Snares: Web Address
Eliminating the Snares: cheyenneberean.ccbchurch.com Online Directory
Eliminating the Snares: Office Phone
Eliminating the Snares: For ages 3- 9 Watch for dismissal slide Children’s Church
Eliminating the Snares: Age 2 through 6 th grade Wednesdays, 6:30 – 8:00 pm Awana Clubs
Eliminating the Snares: JH and SH Youth groups Aaron and Jen Hulbert Refuge
Eliminating the Snares: Throughout the community Throughout the week Call the office Gospel Communities