God described in Isaiah 43 The Lord:1,3,10,11,12,14,15,16 Creator :1, 15 Redeemer:1, 14 Ever-present:2,5 God:3, 12 Holy one of Israel:3, 14, 15 Saviour:3 Revealer:12 Proclaimer:12 King:15 Sometimes we forget who God is.
Israel described in Isaiah 43 Precious and honoured:4 Loved as sons and daughters:4,6 Scattered, to be regathered:5-7 Blind and deaf:8 Idolatrous:9-13, 22-28
forget the former things, do not dwell on the past
See, I am doing a new thing
Do you not perceive it?
SDC asxc See, I am doing a new thing