For This Reason Ephesians 5:30-32 For we are members of His body, of His flesh and of His bones. “For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the church.
For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh. Only one reason, not many, just one specific reason: Single human. Move from the which raised him. “What God has put, let not man separate” Single human. Exist as a person, producing children with the of both. Marriage male away family together female unified genetic attributes
Why Families? God called Himself Adam’s Father (Luke 3:38), Israel’s Husband (Isaiah 54:5) and the church’s Bridegroom (2Cor 11:2; John 3:29). Marriage and families are pictures of God’s love for us. He instituted no other method for us to function together.
The World’s Family Bart Simpson Created Adam was holy and intelligent. The Word’s Family The TV dad The feminist womanCreated woman was a suitable helper. Children were to be in the image and after the likeness of their parents.