5/13/20151 THE CATHOLIC ANSWER GAME Created by Ronald J. Evans, SFO A series of games for families, elementary, middle and, high school, adult education, RCIA, Sacramental preparation, that both teaches and reinforces the teachings found in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Scripture and Apostolic Tradition. The source for the questions and answers come from the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the Bible, Apostolic Tradition and other Catholic religious materials.
The questions and answers in this game come the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Sacred Scripture and other Catholic religious source material. This game and others games like it are an excellent source for use in reinforcing Catholic formation at home for parents, to teach their children about our Catholic Faith and what it means to be a Catholic, in grade school, high school, RCIA, adult education, sacramental preparation. The questions and answers in this game come the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Sacred Scripture and other Catholic religious source material. This game and others games like it are an excellent source for use in reinforcing Catholic formation at home for parents, to teach their children about our Catholic Faith and what it means to be a Catholic, in grade school, high school, RCIA, adult education, sacramental preparation. 5/13/20153 THE APOSTL’S CREED GAME TWO
45/13/2015 THE APOSTLE’S CREED GAME ONE 1. The purpose of this game is to review your knowledge of what you as a Catholic should know and believe about your Catholic Faith. 2. The number of points for each question is found in the category box. (Slide 5) 3. In slide 5 click on the points you to answer, i.e.: column 1, 10 points 4. Slide 6 will appear with the question. After the question has been answered verbally, click the picture in the lower right corner and the next slide with the answer will appear. 5. Click on the picture in the answer slide and the points slide number 5 will reappear 6. Continue to follow steps above to continue game. 1. The purpose of this game is to review your knowledge of what you as a Catholic should know and believe about your Catholic Faith. 2. The number of points for each question is found in the category box. (Slide 5) 3. In slide 5 click on the points you to answer, i.e.: column 1, 10 points 4. Slide 6 will appear with the question. After the question has been answered verbally, click the picture in the lower right corner and the next slide with the answer will appear. 5. Click on the picture in the answer slide and the points slide number 5 will reappear 6. Continue to follow steps above to continue game.
55/13/2015 Column One Column Two Column Three Column Four Column Five Column Six APOSTLE’S CREED GAME ONE (POINTS COLUMNS)
What is a Creed? 65/13/2015 Q5
A Summary of beliefs. 75/13/2015 A5
What Creed do we recite when we begin the Rosary? What Creed do we recite when we begin the Rosary? 85/13/2015 Q10
Apostle’s Creed 95/13/2015 A 10
The Apostle’s Creed consists of? 105/13/2015 Q15
Twelve Doctrines (Also known as “Articles of Faith”) Twelve Doctrines (Also known as “Articles of Faith”) 115/13/2015 A15
The Creed is divided into how many parts? The Creed is divided into how many parts? 125/13/2015 Q20
Three parts 135/13/2015 A20
Part one Apostle’s Creed informs us of ? Part one Apostle’s Creed informs us of ? 145/13/2015 Q25
God the Father 155/13/2015 A25
5/13/ Who is God the Father? Q30
5/13/ The first Person of the Blessed Trinity and the Creator of all that is seen and unseen A30
Part two of the Apostle’s Creed informs us of ? Part two of the Apostle’s Creed informs us of ? 185/13/2015 Q5
Jesus 195/13/2015 A5
Who is Jesus? 205/13/2015 Q10
The second Person of the Blessed Trinity, and the mystery of Jesus’ redemption of the human race The second Person of the Blessed Trinity, and the mystery of Jesus’ redemption of the human race 215/13/2015 A10
Part three of the Apostle’s Creed informs us of the ? Part three of the Apostle’s Creed informs us of the ? 225/13/2015 Q15
Holy Spirit The source of our salvation Holy Spirit The source of our salvation 235/13/2015 A15
What is Article one of the Apostle’s Creed? What is Article one of the Apostle’s Creed? 245/13/2015 Q20
How many gods are there? 265/13/2015 Q25
There is only one God. There are no other gods There is only one God. There are no other gods 275/13/2015 A25
Who are the three persons in one God? Who are the three persons in one God? 285/13/2015 Q30
God the Father God the Son God the Holy Spirit God the Father God the Son God the Holy Spirit 295/13/2015 A30
Three Persons in One God is called a _______ mystery? Three Persons in One God is called a _______ mystery? 305/13/2015 Q5
Supernatural Mystery 315/13/2015 A5
What is a Supernatural Mystery? 325/13/2015 Q10
A Supernatural Mystery is something that is impossible for our human minds to comprehend. 335/13/2015 A10
Who is God? Who is God? Who is God? Who is God? 345/13/2015 Q15
God is the Creator of all that is seen and unseen. God is the Cause of all that is seen and unseen God is the Creator of all that is seen and unseen. God is the Cause of all that is seen and unseen 355/13/2015 A15
God Is? 365/13/2015 Q20
The Supreme Being God is absolute love God is self-existing God always was and will always be The Supreme Being God is absolute love God is self-existing God always was and will always be 375/13/2015 A20
What are the attributes of God? 385/13/2015 Q25
God is infinitely perfect God is all powerful – He created all thing out of nothing by His own power God knows all, see all, hears all God is everywhere God is infinitely perfect God is all powerful – He created all thing out of nothing by His own power God knows all, see all, hears all God is everywhere 395/13/2015 A25
How many God’s are there? 405/13/2015 Q30
There is only true one God There are no other gods There is only true one God There are no other gods 415/13/2015 A30
Are there false gods? 425/13/2015 Q5
There are false gods all around us. 435/13/2015 A5
False gods can include? 445/13/2015 Q10
Ourselves, money, power, possessions 455/13/2015 A10
What is Article two of the Apostle’s Creed? What is Article two of the Apostle’s Creed? 465/13/2015 Q15
Jesus is? 485/13/2015 Q20
The Second Person of the Blessed Trinity God the Son True God and true man The Second Person of the Blessed Trinity God the Son True God and true man 495/13/2015 A20
Jesus is only one person, yet he has two natures what are they? 505/13/2015 Q25
a divine nature and a human nature a divine nature and a human nature 515/13/2015 A25
The mystery of God becoming man is known as the? The mystery of God becoming man is known as the? 525/13/2015 Q30
Incarnation. 535/13/2015 A30
5/13/ Jesus’ name means? Q5
5/13/ Savior A5
5/13/ Christ means? Q10
5/13/ Anointed A10
5/13/ Jesus being the Son of God and Son of Man was like us in all things, except? Jesus being the Son of God and Son of Man was like us in all things, except? Q15
5/13/ Sin. A15
5/13/ Who is the only other person to be born without sin and remained sinless during her life? Who is the only other person to be born without sin and remained sinless during her life? Q20
5/13/ The Virgin Mary A20
5/13/ Mary being conceived without original sin is called the? Mary being conceived without original sin is called the? Q25
5/13/ Immaculate Conception A25
5/13/ The feast of the Immaculate Conception is celebrated on? The feast of the Immaculate Conception is celebrated on? Q30
5/13/ December A30
5/13/ What is Article three of the Apostle’s Creed? What is Article three of the Apostle’s Creed? Q5
5/13/ Whom did God send to ask Mary to be the Mother of his son? Whom did God send to ask Mary to be the Mother of his son? Q10
5/13/ The Archangel Gabriel A10
5/13/ Mary asked the angel how this could be done, since she was a virgin. He told her? Mary asked the angel how this could be done, since she was a virgin. He told her? Q15
5/13/ She would conceive by the power of the Holy Spirit A15
5/13/ When the Angel Gabriel told Mary God wanted her to be the mother of His Son what did she say? When the Angel Gabriel told Mary God wanted her to be the mother of His Son what did she say? Q20
5/13/ “be it done tome according to your word.” A20
5/13/ The angel Gabriel told Mary to name the baby? The angel Gabriel told Mary to name the baby? Q25
5/13/ Jesus A25
5/13/ Q30 Who is Jesus foster father?
5/13/ A30 Saint Joseph