What Went Wrong?! Dealing with Disputes Galatians 1:1-10
The Defense of the Apostle The Defense of the Gospel
The Defense of the Apostle An Apostle vs an apostle Not from or by men From Jesus and the Father Authority, not credentials
The Defense of the Apostle 1 Cor. 9 2 Cor (12:11-13)
Galatians 1:1-10 The Defense of the Gospel 1.His Rebuke 2.His Assessment 3.His Standard 4.His Condemnation 5.His Purpose
The Defense of the Gospel 1.His Rebuke – “I am amazed”
The Defense of the Gospel 1.His Rebuke – “I am amazed” - surprise at something reprehensible – Mark 6:1-6; John 4:27
The Defense of the Gospel 1.His Rebuke – “that you are deserting Him who called you” Defecting, turncoats
The Defense of the Gospel They had received the Holy Spirit – 3:15 They knew God – 4:9 They knew the truth – 5:7
The Defense of the Gospel 2.His Assessment – Theirs is a different gospel, but not the same kind – A distortion / perversion
The Defense of the Gospel 2.His Assessment – Satan’s usual tactic Gen. 3:1-7; Acts 20: Cor. 11:12-15
The Defense of the Gospel – The problem was not that they denied the elements of the gospel, but that they added to them
The Defense of the Gospel
3.His Standard – God’s revealed truth 2 Tim. 1:13-14 Titus 1:9-16
R. Alan Cole “He is teaching them that the status or person of the messenger does not validate the message; rather, the nature of the message validates the messenger.”
The Defense of the Gospel 3.His Standard – Consider credentials? – Status / Success? – Love / Heart / Ministry?
The Defense of the Gospel 4.His Condemnation – If it doesn’t measure up, he is to be accursed! – Dedicated for destruction
The Defense of the Gospel 5.His Purpose – “Am I now seeking the favor of men, or of God?”
The Defense of the Gospel 5.His Purpose – “Am I now seeking the favor of men, or of God?” – to win over, make a friend of
The Defense of the Gospel 5.His Purpose – “Or am I striving to please men?” – Be acceptable, seek to gratify
The Defense of the Gospel 5.His Purpose – To Please – satisfying or behaving properly toward one with whom one is related
The Defense of the Gospel 5.His Purpose – “If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a bond- servant of Christ”
The Defense of the Gospel 5.His Purpose – To please God 2 Cor. 5:6-10; Eph. 5:10; Col. 1:10; (Heb. 11:5-6)
So What? We need to carefully examine our beliefs – Hold to the true gospel? – Taken away or added to it?
So What? We need to carefully examine the things we read or listen to – Regardless of the author, our feelings, or pragmatism
So What? We need to carefully examine our motives (purpose) – Why do we do the things we do?