The Creeds Apostle’s Creed Nicene Creed
What is a creed? A creed is a set of words used as a formal statement of faith. It says what a person or group believes in, and helps express the identity of the group. Comes from the Latin word credo, meaning “I believe”. Faith put into words
The Apostles Creed The Apostles Creed derives its name from the tradition that it originated from Jesus’ apostles themselves. The Apostles' Creed is divided into three parts, called articles. – The First Article states our belief in God the Father. – The Second Article states our belief in God the Son. – And the Third Article states our belief in God the Holy Spirit. Label each of these sections on your copy of the Apostle’s creed.
Apostles Creed Activity On the post-it note you have been given, finish this sentence: “I believe…” When finished, stick your note to the paper on the board. The goal is to create a poster full of Christian beliefs. We will share these beliefs, then hang the poster for other classes to see.
Nicene Creed The Nicene Creed is named from the ancient city of Nicaea, in which the creed was first accepted by a council of the church’s bishops in the year 325 BC. It is the creed that is proclaimed by Catholics during every Sunday celebration of the Eucharist (mass). This creed is recognized as official teaching by various Christian churches. – Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox Catholics, Anglicans and all major Protestant churches.
Five Themes in the Nicene Creed 1.God is the creator of all that exists. 2. Jesus was and is totally one with God, fully divine; of one substance (consubstantial) with the Father. 3. In Jesus, God took on human flesh and lived amongst us. – Death did not defeat him. God raised him up so that we could know that all Jesus taught us was true. 4. The Holy Spirit remains with us, guiding the Church and empowering believers not only to remember but also to live out the message of Jesus. 5. We are called to live out our faith in community, in “one holy catholic and apostolic church.”
Nicene Creed Activity #1 Choose a color to represent each of the five themes of the Nicene creed. Underline or highlight sections of the creed that correspond to each of the themes using the colors you chose. Be prepared to explain why you chose a specific theme to represent certain sections.
Nicene Creed Activity #2 In groups, write your own version of the Nicene Creed. Translate it into your own words/words that a sixth grader might find easier to understand. Write up one copy for each group to share and then hand in.