Question What are the two most prominent feminist perspectives of the family?
Responses A: Radical and Marxist feminists B: Functionalist and Marxist C: Radical and functionalist D: Functionalist and neo-functionalist
Question What is the key feature of Marxist feminism?
Responses A: Marxist feminist emphasise how patriarchy uses the family to oppress women B: Marxist feminist emphasise how functionalists use the family to oppress women C: Marxist feminists emphasise how capitalism uses the family to oppresses women D: Marxist feminist emphasise how same-sex relationships use the family to oppress women
Question What does Benston say capitalism turns women into?
Responses A: an unpaid workforce of matriarchs who oppress men through their new-found power B: Power hungry neurotics C: an unpaid workforce who are better equipped to change capitalism with their sexuality D: an unpaid workforce- who are compliant and willing to do as they’re told because women have been socialised to act this way
Question Diana Feeley (1972) argues the family is full of (what?)
Responses A: authoritarian ideology designed to teach passivity not rebellion B: authoritarian ideology designed to teach rebellion not passivity C: authoritarian ideology designed to teach emancipation D: authoritarian ideology designed to teach matriarchy
Question What is the key feature of radical feminism?
Responses A: radical feminists focus squarely on patriarchy as the instrument of oppression (emasculation) within the home B: radical feminists focus squarely on matriarchy as the instrument of oppression (emasculation) within the home C: radical feminists focus squarely on patriarchy as the instrument of freedom (emancipation) within the home
Question What does Delphy and Leonard (1992) argue?
Responses A: it is women rather than capitalism who benefit the most from exploiting women and the family B: it is capitalism rather than men who benefit the most from exploiting women and the family C: it is men rather than capitalism who benefit the most from exploiting women and the family
Question What are the four points Delphy and Leonard identified within the family which oppress women?
Responses A: Domestic labour; patriarchal media; economic dependency; male domination B: Domestic labour; patriarchal media; matriarchal fashion; economic dependency C: Domestic labour; Supporting their husbands; Economic dependency; Male domination D: Domestic labour; patriarchal media; matriarchal fashion; matriarchal economy
Question According to Delphy and Leonard how are women ‘forced’ to support their husbands?
Responses (trick) A: provide trouble free sex B: support men in their leisure and work activities C: provide emotional support D: women undertake the triple shift E: cheap labour at home which often goes unrewarded
Question What does Parsons’ identify as being the two main functions of the family
Responses A: stabilisation of gender and power relations B: primary socialisation of parents and stabilisation of children’s personalities C: primary socialisation of grandparents and the stabilisation of adult personalities D: primary socialisation of children & stabilisation of adult personalities
Question What is Parsons’ sexual division of labour?
Responses A: Within the isolated nuclear family members are allocated particular roles (role allocation) in order for it function correctly: men have a free role; women have expressive role B: Within the isolated nuclear family members are allocated particular roles (role allocation) in order for it function correctly: men have instrumental role; women have expressive role C: Within the isolated nuclear family members are allocated particular roles (role allocation) in order for it function correctly: men have expressive role; women have instrumental role