Christianity and Poverty Presentation for Interfaith Week November 2011 Greg Smith
Who we are? A loose network of individual Christians, churches and social action projects and organisations in Preston and South Ribble Drawn from Catholic, Anglican, Free Church and Evangelical traditions Working together to tackle poverty, develop social action, speak our for and with the poor in our community and co- ordinate the work of churches.
Supported by Church Urban Fund Methodist Action Hundreds of volunteers from the churches in the area
Why are we Christians concerned about poverty? The Bible tells us God made all people equal God does not respect persons (according to their wealth or status.. But according to their heart faithfulness)
The Bible (Old Testament) tells us God commanded his people to care for the poor.. Especially the widows, the orphans, the immigrants God acts to free the oppressed.. (slaves in Egypt) and cares for the destitute God commands a forgiveness of debts, restoration of lost land, freedom of slaves every seven / fifty years in Sabbath and jubilee God gets angry when the rich oppress the poor… Elijah.. Isaiah… Amos
The Bible (New Testament) tells us Jesus the messiah was born poor.. And lived among the poor and marginalised Jesus told us to care for the needy.. Matt 25… a new age is coming when the tables will be turned.. Magnificat.. Lazarus and dives.. He repeatedly warned the rich… the rich fool.. The Pharisees.. Zaccheus the tax collector who when converted paid back fourfold..
In the Bible (New Testament) the first church Shared all things in common Looked after the widows and orphans, collected funds for relief in famines Always remembered the poor and had the ideal of equality
The church has a long tradition of serving and empowering the poor.. (as well as a counter tradition of being captured by the rich and powerful) The abbeys The Friars… (St. Francis) The Anabaptists - The levelllers The Methodists.. John Wesley… Trade Unions.. Primitive Methodists The Salvation Army Wilberforce, Shaftesbury Liberation Theology.. South Africa.. Christian Aid.. Tear Fund Dalits..
1985… Faith in the City… Urban Priority Areas. Thatcher government called it naïve Marxism Church Urban Fund… Church Action of Poverty.. Frontier Youth Trust Housing Justice
And where the Christians are thin on the ground
What we are doing Homeless drop ins:
Homeless Forum… giving homeless people a voice
Listening skills
UNEMPLOYMENT … Work Clubs. Helping people Prepare for Employability
REDEEMING OUR COMMUNITIES. ROC Conversations 'ROC Conversations' are part of our strategy for working within a city or region. They are evening events which bring together members of the local community, including representatives from the church, police and fires services, local councillors. We have found it helpful to base the localities on existing police divisions or by neighbourhood. The evenings give plenty of opportunity for discussion based on themes such as 'What do we hope our community will look like in 5 years' time? 'What resources do we, at this table, have to offer our community's needs?' and 'What could be done through working together?'
Money Lenders Campaign USURY…. Bible quote Exodus 22:25 Exodus 22:25 “If you lend money to one of my people among you who is needy, do not treat it like a business deal; charge no interest.