Political Theory
Niccolo Machiavelli ~ The Prince
Niccolo Machiavelli Moved away from Divine Right belief of Medieval monarchs and philosophers Christian morality should play no part in decision of monarch: ONLY the preservation of the State at ANY cost Ruler was free to USE religion to manipulate subjects Believes nature of man is selfish, cowardly, and dishonest Better to be feared than loved The ends justify the means Called for Monarchy / Dictatorship
Thomas Hobbes
Thomas Hobbes ~ Leviathan Influenced by absolute of mathematics Used deductive reasoning to infer what he believed to be truths about human nature and government Influenced by beheading of Charles I Reasoned that nature of man was evil and ignorant Called for Absolute Monarch but did not agree with Divine Right and even said the state’s law overruled religious belief Passion, not reason, governs human behavior All men are equal State of Nature (anarchy), man against man, is natural Government was derived from State of Nature and without absolutism, would return to it
John Locke
John Locke ~ Second Treatise on Government Theorist of the Enlightenment Greatly Influenced Thomas Jefferson & development of U.S. gov’t. Decisions should be based on knowledge and individual liberty Influenced by Glorious Revolution Nature of man is good Men are born with natural (God-given) rights of life, liberty, and property Purpose of government is solely to protect these rights If gov’t. fails to protect these rights, people have a duty to over throw it “Constant impeachment” of disliked gov’t. will not happen because people are reasonable Endorses constitutional government with a democratic republic Lays out Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Branches
Jean Jacques Rousseau
Jean Jacques Rousseau ~ Social Contract “Man is born free; yet everywhere he is in chains.” Argues that rich and powerful control government and oppress the majority Reform is required: Direct Democracy, similar to the Greek Polis State of Nature necessitates need for government, but not power of one or a group over others The General Will- what is best for the community If individual values their private interest over those of the General Will, they will be punished Natural Liberty vs. Civil Liberty Some consider Rousseau a precursor for modern day dictatorship.
Compare the Theorists Proposed Gov’t Stance on Religion and State Nature of Man Machiavelli Monarch/ Dictator Separation Selfish Hobbes Absolute Dictator Evil Locke Democratic Republic Good, Responsible, Capable Rousseau Direct Democracy/ Socialism Born good but corrupted by society