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Presentation transcript:

COMPLY To act according to requests, demands or conditions The Mormons did not want to comply with laws regarding polygamy

CONFISCATE To seize as if or by authority Because the Mormon Church would not comply with the polygamy laws, the US government confiscated property owned and operated by the Mormon church

DELEGATE A person chosen to act for or to represent others When Utah gets statehood they will be able to send delegates to the Senate and to Congress where they can vote on laws and give Utah people a voice

DEVASTATE Made miserable; overwhelmed Polygamy laws (Edmunds-tucker Act) will devastate the economic structure of the Mormon church and its members

DICTATE An authoritative order or command Brigham Young was the authority figure in Utah from

INAUGURATION A ceremonial induction into office Two days after Utah was given statehood, Utahns celebrated in their first inauguration of State Government leaders

OPPRESS Burdened with unfair restraints Many people believed Mormon woman were oppressed and being forced to practice polygamy, they gave them the right to vote thinking they would end polygamy

RATIFY To give official approval Utah’s constitution would have too be ratified by Congress and approved by the President of the United States

SUFFRAGE The right to vote in a political election Utah women wanted the right to vote like before and lobbied for it when Utah’s Constitution was being written.

VERDICT The finding of a jury given to the court Many Mormon men who were practicing polygamy in Utah were found guilty and sentenced to prison

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