Judges: Hope For Troubled Times Chapters 13-14 “Samson and His Exploits” January 18, 2012.


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Presentation transcript:

Judges: Hope For Troubled Times Chapters “Samson and His Exploits” January 18, 2012


Judges and Ruth WeekDateTopic 107 Dec 11Overview – Judges and Ruth 214 Dec 11Israel’s Success and Failure: Judges 1:1-2:5 321 Dec 11Oppression and Deliverance: Judges 2:6-3: Dec 11Deborah, Gideon: Judges Jan 12Gideon’s Success and Failure: Judges 7:1-10:5 611 Jan 12Jephthah the Judge: Judges 10:6-12: Jan 12Samson and His Exploits: Judges Jan 12Samson and Delilah: Judges Feb 12 Auditorium 1008 Feb 12A Levite and His Concubine: Judges Feb 12The War with Benjamin: Judges Feb 12Ruth and Naomi Return to Bethlehem: Ruth Feb 12Ruth and Boaz are Married: Ruth 3-4

Today’s Objectives Review past lesson, Judges Provide an historical background and timeline for this weeks lesson Review historical maps of Israel and the region Read Judges 13 and 14 Examine the events surrounding the birth and marriage of Samson Understand that God was using all occurrences in Samson’s life to set the stage for Israel’s deliverance Sense the need to be faithful to God regardless of the influences all around us

Historical Background Jewish traditions states Samuel wrote Judges Written around 1050 B.C. and covered the period from 1375 B.C. to 1050 B.C. –Death of Joshua to the beginning of the monarchy –Israel’s form of government was a theocracy –God alone was their King –God raises up a series of judges between Joshua’s death and the coronation of Saul –Major and minor judges; most did not rule over all Depressing period in Israel’s history –Cycle of sin, oppression, repentance, and deliverance –Spiritual compromise was the norm of Israel –God sends powerful oppressors to counter spiritual compromise

Historical Background Judges – 1075 B.C. to 1055 B.C.Judges – 1075 B.C. to 1055 B.C. –Samson raised as a Judge from tribe of DanSamson raised as a Judge from tribe of Dan –Tiglath-Pileser I dies 1076Tiglath-Pileser I dies 1076 Succeeded by his son Asharid-apal-Ekur ( B.C. )Succeeded by his son Asharid-apal-Ekur ( B.C. ) Succeeded by his brother Ashur-bel-kala ( B.C. )Succeeded by his brother Ashur-bel-kala ( B.C. ) –Samuel born around 1100 B.C.Samuel born around 1100 B.C. –Battle of Aphek (1075 B.C. ) against the PhilistinesBattle of Aphek (1075 B.C. ) against the Philistines –Battle of Mizpah (1055 B.C. ) against PhilistinesBattle of Mizpah (1055 B.C. ) against Philistines –Philistine oppression B.C.Philistine oppression B.C. –20 th Egyptian dynasty (Ramses III – XI)20 th Egyptian dynasty (Ramses III – XI) End of the “New Kingdom” in 1075 B.CEnd of the “New Kingdom” in 1075 B.C Ramses XI dies Egypt is divided

Tribe of Dan Name –Fifth son of Jacob by Bilhah, maid of Rachel –Name means “judge” (Gen 30:6) –Jacob’s blessing, “Dan shall judge his people (Gen 49:16) –Dan will be a serpent on the roadside, a viper along the path (49:17) Leading characteristics –Unsteady –Unscrupulous –Violent –Grim humor –Stealthy in tactics

An Angel Prophesies Samson’s Birth (13:1-5) Israel again enters a cycle of sin (13:1) –God uses the Philistines to oppress the Israelites –Philistines rose as part of the “Sea Peoples” confederation that attacked Egypt God raises Samson to rescue Israel (13:2) –City of Zorah in the tribe of DanZorah –Father was Manoah –Conceived from a barren mother Angel of God appears to Manoah’s wife (13:3-7) –States that she will soon give birth to a son –She must refrain from fermented drink and unclean food –Son is to be a Nazirite (see Num 6:1-21) –Reports this to her husband

Manoah and his wife asks for instruction on how to raise the child –Manoah asks God to send the Prophet back (13:8) –Fear that he would not raise them the way God wanted The angel reappears –Angel confirms that he had visited earlier (13:11) –Manoah asks the angel how to raise the child (13:12) –Angel states that they must head what he said earlier Manoah compels the angel to stay for a meal –The angel declines to eat (13:16) –Angel asks Manoah to prepare a burnt offering instead –Angel does not identify himself (13:18) The Angel Reappears (13:8-18)

Manoah does as the angel asks –Presents a grain offering and the goat as a burnt offering –Places them on a stone altar (13:19) –The angel causes the flames to ignite skyward –The angel ascends to heaven in the flame (13:20) –Manoah concludes the prophet was really an angel of the Lord and feared death (13:21-22) –Manoah’s wife did not fear (13:23) Samson is born –Samson grows and the Spirit begins working in him –Begins the task of delivering the Israelites (13:24-25) Manoah Offers a Sacrifice (13:19-25)

Samson goes to the city of TimnahTimnah –Met a young Philistine woman (14:1) –Timnah was part of Dan, but Danites were unable to free it from the Philistines Samson returns home –Tells his parents he wants to marry a Philistine woman –Parents object based upon Mosaic law (14:3) –Urge Samson to marry an Israelite woman Samson and parents return to Timnah –Encounter with a lion (14:5-6) –Becomes convinced he should marry the Philistine (14:7) Lion’s carcass and honey –Breaking of the Nazirite vow (14:8-9) Samson Chooses a Wife (14:1-9)

Samson hosts a wedding celebration in Timnah –Seven days (14:10) –30 men escort Samson (14:11) Samson challenges the men with a riddle –Samson states the riddle (14:14) –30 men could not figure out the riddle –30 men threaten Samson’s wife to obtain the answer –Samson’s wife obtains the answer, gives it to the men Men provide the answer to the riddle –Infuriates Samson, he kills 30 Philistines in AshkelonAshkelon –Gives the clothing to the 30 men in Timnah (14:19) –Wife then marries on one of Samson’s companions Samson Tells a Riddle (14:10-20)

Review Reviewed the past lesson, Judges Provided an historical background and timeline for this weeks lesson Reviewed historical maps of Israel and the region Read Judges 13 and 14 Examined the events surrounding the birth and marriage of Samson Learned that God was using all occurrences in Samson’s life to set the stage for Israel’s deliverance Sensed our need to be faithful to God regardless of the influences around us