Walking in the Footsteps of the King Palm Sunday Peter 2:4-10
Introduction Palm Sunday Preach, just don’t use a Palm Sunday Text 1 Peter 2 – the heart of Christian identity Those following Jesus – among first Christians Christian – Cristianos – One who follows Jesus
Introduction Christina (my wife) Things didn’t go as expected We are also Christians 1 Peter – informs about what it is to follow Jesus
Palm Sunday Beginning of Holy week, end of Lent (for us) Triumphal Procession Jesus treated like a King Followers laid down clothes and Branches They Chanted “Hosanna” Saw him as a coming King
Palm Sunday God’s Salvation The Return of David’s Kingdom
One Problem
Palm Sunday One Problem – He was riding on a Donkey Though he was coming in strength and power Different Kingdom Look at Christ. He rides not upon a horse which is a steed of war. He comes not with appalling pomp and power but sits upon an ass, which is a gentle beast to bear burdens and work for men. From this we see that Christ comes not to terrify, to drive, and oppress, but to help and take for himself our load. (Martin Luther)
Palm Sunday Beginning of Passion Week He would be crucified at the end of the week Not the Kingdom that anyone expected.
His Followers Final Supper Judas betrays Everyone Fled (Mk 14:50)
Unexpected Outcome Jesus on Trial Peter denies him Handed over to Pilate Pilate offers Jesus to the Crowd Crowd wants Barabbas instead Where are Jesus’ followers?
Unexpected Outcome Would have been dangerous “Crucify Him” Pilate releases Barabbas Jesus Flogged and Crucified Plug for Services this Week
1 Peter - Cornerstone Vv 6, 7 Christina mentioned this last week even though they, the religious establishment, were rejecting him, he was destined to become the cornerstone, no matter what obstacles sinful humans were to put in his way; for “the Lord has done this and it is marvellous in our eyes Christina Lui – One of the pastors at University Chapel Reference from Psalm 118
1 Peter - Cornerstone Jesus used this passage to speak against the Jewish Leaders They wanted to arrest him Peter also uses Psalm 118 (loosely) As a contrast: those who are saved, and those who reject Christ Peter was there
1 Peter - Cornerstone Psalm 118 for Jesus – points out their folly For Peter – emphasize the benefit of being a part of Jesus’ house Peter understands this most of all, having denied Jesus Cornerstone – chosen and precious What is a Cornerstone?
1 Peter - Cornerstone Without one, your building will not turn out right.
A Spiritual House Christian Identity A New Kind of House – the one that Jesus builds Living Stones Holy Priesthood – A new kind of worship Offering Spiritual sacrifices
A Spiritual House This is relevant to worship Worship – not just going through the motions Real sacrifices that God accepts Not complicated In 1 Peter, as in Hebrews, the “spiritual sacrifices” are first of all something offered up to God as worship and, second, a pattern of social conduct. The two aspects cannot be separated, and the priority is always the same. (J. R. Michaels WBC Vol. 49) The rest of 1 Peter addresses this
An Honoured People Vv 9, 10 A Chosen people A Royal Priesthood (the King’s Priests) God’s special possession Called out of darkness… …to declare his praises Once not a people, but now a people Having received mercy
An Honoured People Who we are Thank You Jesus Thankfulness – what we are thankful for.
Hypothetical Situation What if you are not…
Reality Because, as Peter tells us, when you come to him: You are being built into a spiritual house You are a holy priesthood You will offer spiritual sacrifices Christ is your cornerstone, and you haven’t rejected Him You are part of a chosen people You are a part of a Kings priesthood
Reality You are God’s special possession You have been called out of darkness You declare his praises, in the midst of his wonderful light You are God’s people And you have received mercy. That is who you are in Christ Jesus
Conclusion Barabbas – an insurrectionist? What of Jesus’ followers that day? Braveheart
Conclusion, Part 2 Consider what it means when you say you are “Christian” Pray about it My preferred conclusion: “for me, to be a Christian, to be a follower of Christ, is the core of my being and my life in this world. It is not something ‘tacked-on’, it is not I am Christian and… …it is at the core” “I exist to praise him, to follow him, to serve him, and to be his slave, and to share his love with those who have not experienced his mercy and his wonderful light.”
Conclusion, Part 2 Don’t worry if that’s not your conclusion
Conclusion, Part 2 Don’t worry if that’s not your conclusion There’s something to be said for being on the right track