Live with integrity. Show resilience in trials. Resist temptation. Respond to the Scriptures.
an uninformed judgment of people based on characteristics such as their color, ethnicity, or social status. Question #3 – What is a good definition for prejudice?
I. The Warning against Prejudice (2:1–4) READ A. The injunction (2:1) B. The illustration (2:2, 3) C. The instruction (2:4)
The Injunction (2:1) “Glorious” Lord Jesus Christ (Matt 17:2) “Glorious” Lord Jesus Christ (Matt 17:2) Faith Favoritism Faith and Favoritism are not compatible! “…show no partiality as you hold the faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory” √ √ X X
The Illustration (2:2-3) Assembly- (synagoge); The common word for the gathering of Jews for worship a man comes … with a gold ring and dressed in fine clothes… …there also comes in a poor man in shabby clothes… "You sit here in a good place," "You stand over there, or sit down by my feet,“
Give more attention to meeting the desires of the rich than to meeting the needs of the poor. Fail to plan ways to reach different cultural groups living in our cities. Create a church environment that appeals to one particular culture. an uninformed judgment of people based on characteristics such as their color, ethnicity, or social status. Question #5: In what ways might believers, including ourselves, be showing prejudice?
A. God’s character (2:5–7) B. God’s command (2:8) II. The Witness against Prejudice (2:5–8) READ
"You sit here in a good place," "You stand over there, or sit down by my footstool,“ Judges with evil thoughts Wrong value system “…has not God chosen those who are poor in the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom, which He promised to those who love Him?” “But you have dishonored the poor man.” “Is it not the rich who oppress you and drag you into court?” “Are they not the ones who blaspheme the honorable name by which you were called?” You have despised a group of people for the reason of their economic status You have catered to this who think only of themselves and will stop at nothing to get what they want Their arrogance has even reached the point of blaspheming God Respecting those who hate God Their arrogance has even reached the point of blaspheming God Respecting those who hate God 1.Jesus said in Mt 5:3 Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 2.The preaching of the Gospel to the poor was part of the Messianic role: (Isaiah 61:1-2; I Cor 1:26-29) 3.God loves the poor 1.Jesus said in Mt 5:3 Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 2.The preaching of the Gospel to the poor was part of the Messianic role: (Isaiah 61:1-2; I Cor 1:26-29) 3.God loves the poor
Question #11: Why do you suppose they showed favoritism to those who blasphemed, what was their motivation? Question #11: Why do you suppose they showed favoritism to those who blasphemed, what was their motivation?
III. The Wrath against Prejudice (2:9–13) READ
The Wrath against Prejudice (2:8-11) The Royal Law "YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF" = Partiality ≠ committing sin and convicted doing well The Chain of God’s Law is broken by one sin! “For whoever keeps the whole law but fails in one point, he has become accountable for of all it” Adultery Murder Jesus further emphasizes the “spirit” of the law, not just the superficial “letter” of the law. (Matt 5:27-28; I John 3:15; Matt 19:16-22)
Speak Act Mercy Law of Liberty Not a liberty to do what one pleases; but a liberty from the condemnation of sin, and the ability to do what pleases God. Filtering our speech and activities through the Law of Liberty will guarantee the triumph of Mercy over Judgment! The Exhortation (v.12)
an uninformed judgment of people based on characteristics such as their color, ethnicity, or social status. Give more attention to meeting the desires of the rich than to meeting the needs of the poor. Fail to plan ways to reach different cultural groups living in our cities. Create a church environment that appeals to one particular culture. Make friends with people of different color and status. Pray for the lost who live in different countries. Become involved in or start a ministry that reaches out to people of a different culture. Question 18: What corrective measures can believers take to keep From being prejudice? Repent of your prejudice or partiality and pray for change.
Live with integrity. Show resilience in trials. Resist temptation. Respond to the Scriptures. Treat others without prejudice.