Reaching Hispanics: Our Neighbors Yo quiero hablar acerca de nuestro ministerio en los Estados Unidos. Mi esposo y yo vamos a regresar los Estados Unidos el proximo jueves y vamos a comenzar nuestro ministerio con muchos hispanos. En este año nosotros necesitamos buscar apoyo económico y compañeros de oracion por nuestro ministerio. Yo quiero mostrar acerca de nuestro ministerio con estas fotos hoy. Todas las personas en estas fotos son personas en nuestra iglesia en Virginia o en otras lugares de nuestro ministerio.
Seeing Hispanics through The Mandate Seeing Hispanics through the eyes of Scripture 1. Exodus 22:21 Do not vex or oppress the stranger because you were strangers in Egypt. 2. Exodus 23:9 Do not oppress the stranger because you know what it’s like to be a stranger. Cuando nosotros ir a una iglesia en los Estados Unidos, primero que nada nosotros hablamos con las personas en la iglesia acerca de los mandamientos en la Escritura. Queremos la gente pensar acerca de la Escritura para siempre. Algunas personas tienen una mal actitud sobre los mismos hispanos. Pero la gente necesita pensar correctamente y Bíblicamente. Aquí están algunos versiculos sobre esta situación. Éxodo 22:21 = Aquí leemos . . . “Al extranjero no engañarás ni angustiarás, porque extranjeros fuisteis vosotros en la tierra de Egipto.” La Biblia dice, No moleste . . . Recuerde ustedes eran extranjeros en Egipto hace muchos anos. Éxodo 23:9 = “No oprimirás al extranjero, porque vosotros sabéis cómo es el alma del extranjero, ya que extranjeros fuisteis en la tierra de Egipto.” Otra vez la Biblia dice, No oprima al extranjero . . . Recuerde ustedes eran extranjeros. Recuerde que era difícil.
Seeing Hispanics through The Mandate Seeing Hispanics through the eyes of Scripture 3. Deuteronomy 10:19 Love the stranger because you were strangers. 3. Deuteronomio 10:19 = Amaréis, pues, al extranjero, porque extranjeros fuisteis en la tierra de Egipto.¨ Recuerde . . . No moleste u oprima al extranjero y ahora en esta Escritura, recuerde mostrar amor a los extranjeros. Esta es la palabra de Dios. 4. Efesios 2:1-3, 11-15, 18-19 = Debemos recordar que nosotros eran extranjeros a la gracia de Dios. Por muchos anos, nosotros no conocíamos a Dios pero ahora nosotros le conocimos. Recuerde! 5. Finalmente, en I Pedro 1:1 leemos, =¨Pedro, apóstol de Jesucristo, a los expatriados de la dispersión en el Ponto, Galacia, Capadocia, Asia y Bitinia,¨ . . . Aunque nosotros conocimos Dios ahora, nosotros no deberíamos amar el mundo. El mundo es no importa para nosotros. Debemos amar la palabra de Dios mas y obedecer la palabra de Dios cada dia. Nosotros debemos somos extranjeros al mundo.
Seeing Hispanics through The Mandate Seeing Hispanics through the eyes of Scripture 4. Leviticus 19:33-34 Love the stranger as one who is a native of your country. “And if a stranger sojourn with thee in your land, ye shall not vex him. But the stranger that dwelleth with you shall be unto you as one born among you, and thou shalt love him as thyself; for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.” 3. Deuteronomio 10:19 = Amaréis, pues, al extranjero, porque extranjeros fuisteis en la tierra de Egipto.¨ Recuerde . . . No moleste u oprima al extranjero y ahora en esta Escritura, recuerde mostrar amor a los extranjeros. Esta es la palabra de Dios. 4. Efesios 2:1-3, 11-15, 18-19 = Debemos recordar que nosotros eran extranjeros a la gracia de Dios. Por muchos anos, nosotros no conocíamos a Dios pero ahora nosotros le conocimos. Recuerde! 5. Finalmente, en I Pedro 1:1 leemos, =¨Pedro, apóstol de Jesucristo, a los expatriados de la dispersión en el Ponto, Galacia, Capadocia, Asia y Bitinia,¨ . . . Aunque nosotros conocimos Dios ahora, nosotros no deberíamos amar el mundo. El mundo es no importa para nosotros. Debemos amar la palabra de Dios mas y obedecer la palabra de Dios cada dia. Nosotros debemos somos extranjeros al mundo.
Seeing Hispanics through The Mandate Seeing Hispanics through the eyes of Scripture 4. Ephesians 2:11-13, 18-19 Remember you were strangers to the grace of God. 5. I Peter 1:1 Remember you are strangers to this world now. 3. Deuteronomio 10:19 = Amaréis, pues, al extranjero, porque extranjeros fuisteis en la tierra de Egipto.¨ Recuerde . . . No moleste u oprima al extranjero y ahora en esta Escritura, recuerde mostrar amor a los extranjeros. Esta es la palabra de Dios. 4. Efesios 2:1-3, 11-15, 18-19 = Debemos recordar que nosotros eran extranjeros a la gracia de Dios. Por muchos anos, nosotros no conocíamos a Dios pero ahora nosotros le conocimos. Recuerde! 5. Finalmente, en I Pedro 1:1 leemos, =¨Pedro, apóstol de Jesucristo, a los expatriados de la dispersión en el Ponto, Galacia, Capadocia, Asia y Bitinia,¨ . . . Aunque nosotros conocimos Dios ahora, nosotros no deberíamos amar el mundo. El mundo es no importa para nosotros. Debemos amar la palabra de Dios mas y obedecer la palabra de Dios cada dia. Nosotros debemos somos extranjeros al mundo.
The Mission Sabemos la palabra de Dios y ahora tenemos que decir a la gente sobre Jesucristo. Tenemos que ir y decir las noticias buenas sobre Jesucristo. Aquí estan algunas fotos de nuestro ministerio. Amamos enseñar la biblia a todas las personas, especialmente a los hispanos.
Hispanic American 23 Hispanic Categories Caribbean: North American: Cuba Dominican Republic Puerto Rico Central American: Costa Rica El Salvador Guatemala Honduras Nicaragua Panamá Europe: Spain North American: Hispanic American Mexico South American: Argentina Bolivia Chile Colombia Ecuador Paraguay Peru Uruguay Venezuela Africa: Equatorial Guinea Polynesia: Easter Island Muchas personas en los estados unidos piensan todos los hispanos son de México pero no es verdad. Hay 22 Categorías de las Hispanos. Es muy importante conocer cada persona. Debemos tener mucho cuidado cuando nosotros hablamos con hispanos. 23 Hispanic Categories
The second largest Spanish-speaking country in the world. Population of Hispanics Mexico: 112 million Spain: 47 million Colombia: 46 million The United States: 53.5 million Hispanics Por su información aqui es la Población del Mundo. En México la población es . . . Pero en los estados unidos hay 50.5 millones hispanos. Este significa . . . El segundo pais . . . Cuando nosotros mostrar esta foto usualmente la gente diga una de dos cosas: 1) Regresalos a sus países 2) Tenemos una El Campo de Misión Queremos la gente ver el campo de misión a los hispanos. The second largest Spanish-speaking country in the world.
LOCATIONS OF HISPANICS Latinos por País de Procedencia Los Diez Grupos Demográficos Latino más Grandes por País de procedencia en los Estados Unidos. Aqui hay las posiciones de hispanos en los estados unidos. En la parte azul hay 0-500 hispanos en cada condado. En la parte verde hay 500-4,999 hispanos en cada condado. En la parte rojo hay 5,000 o más en cada condado. Hispanos estan en muchas lugares en los estados unidos y nosotros necesitamos darles las noticias buenas de Jesucristo.
Nearly half (47%) live in California and Texas alone. Two-thirds of Hispanics live in just 5 states. 4 5 1 2 3 Nearly half (47%) live in California and Texas alone.
Five other states have seen the fastest growth since 2000. 4 2 5 3 1 Pew Research Hispanic Center tabulations of 2000 census and 2011 American Community Survey.
Virginia and Washington 16 - the number of states with at least a half million Hispanic residents Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia and Washington
Es increible saber que. Es verdad Es increible saber que . . . . Es verdad! El Campo de Misión Ha Venido a América. There are more people in the United States that speak Spanish than in all of Central America.
So What? ¿Y Que? Debemos preguntar . . . ¿Lo que podemos nosotros hacer? ¿Como podemos nosotros ayudar?
You can be a missionary without a passport. Porque El Campo de Misión Ha Venido a América, podemos somos misioneros sin un pasaporte. Muchas Hispanos estan esperando por las noticias buenas de Jesucristo. Nosotros necesitamos enseñarlos la biblia en espanol o ingles pero ellos necesitan el evangelio. s
about the Hispanic culture. The Method Learn about the Hispanic culture. Language Family Time Religion Etiquette LANGUAGE: Hispanics consider language as the most important element to be preserved. The most universal and culturally unifying characteristic of U.S. Hispanics is their use of Spanish, either as a primary or as a secondary language. The same language is used by every one of the 21 Spanish-speaking nationalities comprising the U.S. Hispanic population. However, nationality colorations relate to pronunciations, cadence, and the meaning of individual words. Many Hispanic immigrants are fearful that their children will forget their native language. A recent poll estimates the use of Spanish in 80 percent of the U.S. Spanish households. Despite this estimate, you will find within the Hispanic community different levels of Spanish language usage: those who speak at least enough Spanish to get by; others who speak Spanish fluently or as a primary language; those who are bilingual; many who know only Spanish; and then a smaller percentage of those who know English only. FAMILY: Hispanics are familistic. La Familia is very important. It is the main unit in the Hispanic community, superseding church, political parties, or any other group. Traditionally, the Hispanic family is a close-knit group and the most important social unit. The term familia usually goes beyond the nuclear family. The Hispanic “family unit” is characterized by strong and close bonds that include not only parents and children but also extended family and may include non-family members who are treated as family by virtue of long standing associations. In most Hispanic families, the father is the head of the family, and the mother is responsible for the home. Individuals within a family have a moral responsibility to aid other members of the family experiencing financial problems, unemployment, poor health conditions, and other life issues. A problem of one family member becomes the concern of the whole family. The “macho philosophy” permeates the Hispanic community and in many cases is dominant in the home. While it is true that families recognize the father/husband as the total authority, they look to the wife/mother for counsel. Family ties are very strong: when someone travels to another town or city to study or for a short visit (e.g., vacation, business, medical reasons), staying with relatives or even with friends of relatives is a common practice. Families often gather together to celebrate holidays, birthdays, baptisms, first communions, graduations, and weddings. Hispanic families instill in their children the importance of honor, good manners, and respect for authority and the elderly. Preserving the Spanish language within the family is a common practice in most Hispanic homes. Copied with permission from Hispanic Ministry in the Carolinas. TIME: Time is life. Many Hispanics find it difficult to adjust to the American-scheduled life. We must understand that where they come from-time as we know it-is not important. A man’s life is not crowded with a hundred-and-one things to do. Usually one major event per day is planned and all of life surrounds it. The Hispanic nature is not to follow the clock. To the Anglo “time is money” and the clock “runs,” but to the Hispanic “time is life” and the clock walks. However, in the American business world they, realize the importance of following the clock and adjust their habits to keep a place in the work force. Although Hispanics are very energetic they are never in a hurry. RELIGION: Religion is a serious matter in the Hispanic community. Church attendance is more common among Hispanics than among native-born Americans, and substantially higher than among other immigrant groups. The family’s religious beliefs and traditions are considered the second most important element which should be preserved by Hispanics. Part of that tradition is the works-based theology ascribed to by the vast majority of Hispanic adults and fostered by the Roman Catholic Church. Catholicism is a strong bond among Hispanics that crosses all lines of national origins and levels of assimilation. Some 70 percent of Hispanics are Roman Catholic. The strength of the influence of Catholicism upon the Hispanic is not so muchor even primarilybased on religious belief. It has more to do with how much it has become a part of the culture. A person does not leave the Catholic church without also leaving the culture and a way of life. Every aspect of life is incorporated and integrated into the religion. Births, marriages, rites of puberty, holidays, even names involve religion. Thus, it is no easy matter for a person to leave the Roman Catholic Church. Nevertheless, many have become part of faith communities of Protestant denominations. ETIQUETTE: Etiquette Spanish speakers tend toward formality in their treatment of one another. A firm handshake is a common practice between people as greeting and for leave-taking. A hug and a light kiss on a cheek are also common greeting practices between women, and men and women who are close friends or family. The Spanish language provides forms of formal and nonformal address (different use of usted vs. tu for the pronoun you, polite and familiar commands, the use of titles of respect before people’s first names such as Don or Dona). In nonformal settings, conversations between Spanish speakers are usually loud, fast, and adorned with animated gestures and body language to better convey points. Hispanics usually give great importance to and place great value on looks and appearance as a sense of honor, dignity, and pride. Formal attire is commonly worn by Hispanics to church, parties, social gatherings, and work. Tennis shoes and jeans, however, are becoming more popular among Hispanic women, particularly in non-formal settings. Hispanics tend to be more relaxed and flexible about time and punctuality than U.S. people. For instance, people who are invited for an 8 a.m. event may not begin to arrive until 8:30 a.m. or later. Within the Hispanic community, not being on time is a socially acceptable behavior. Hispanics tend to be reserved about public speaking because of their accent.
which Hispanics live in your community. The Method Discover which Hispanics live in your community. EL SALVADOR GUATEMALA DOMINICAN REPUBLIC PUERTO RICO HONDURAS PERU
The Method Pray for a bilingual couple to be saved and discipled in your church.
Spanish tracts, literature and CDs. The Method Distribute Spanish tracts, literature and CDs. Begin an ESL class. (English Second Language) Otras ideas son . . . Distribuya . . . Muchos Hispanos recibirán la literatura fácilmente. A menudo damos estos CDs a Hispanos. Estos cds comparten el evangelio con historias de la Biblia. Ellos son excellente. Comienza . . .
Hispanic Ministries of Baptist Church Planters Our Goals Hispanic Ministries of Baptist Church Planters PLANTING Hispanic Baptist churches PARTNERING with established churches PREPARING Hispanic church leaders
Our BCP Hispanic Ministries PLANTING Hispanic Baptist churches Our BCP Hispanic Ministries
PARTNERING with established churches to reach Hispanics Challenge churches to see the mission field all around them. Provide tools for ministry outreach. Provide our on-line magazine at
PREPARING church leaders for Hispanic ministries Recruit church planters for Hispanic ministries. Lead retreats and summits for training. Direct promotion and duplication of our 5 theological DVD courses (in Spanish).
Are you interested in . . . locating information and resources for ministering to Hispanics? reaching Hispanics in your own community? joining our ministry team here at Baptist Church Planters? Feel free to contact our Hispanic Coordinator, Herb Taylor, at:; 540-660-1325
Reaching Hispanics: Our Neighbors Yo quiero hablar acerca de nuestro ministerio en los Estados Unidos. Mi esposo y yo vamos a regresar los Estados Unidos el proximo jueves y vamos a comenzar nuestro ministerio con muchos hispanos. En este año nosotros necesitamos buscar apoyo económico y compañeros de oracion por nuestro ministerio. Yo quiero mostrar acerca de nuestro ministerio con estas fotos hoy. Todas las personas en estas fotos son personas en nuestra iglesia en Virginia o en otras lugares de nuestro ministerio.