To use media clips, the Qur’an, Muslim teachings on Zakah and Shari’ah law to understand what Muslims teach about JUSTICE.
Grade C All will be able to describe the work of Muslim organisations seeking justice in the world. Grade B Most will be able to explain why justice is important to Muslims and compare this to the teaching of Christianity. Grade A/A* Some will be able to express an opinion on Shar’iah Law and its role in UK society. Grade C All will be able to describe the work of Muslim organisations seeking justice in the world. Grade B Most will be able to explain why justice is important to Muslims and compare this to the teaching of Christianity. Grade A/A* Some will be able to express an opinion on Shar’iah Law and its role in UK society.
What can you remember about ZAKAH? List 3 things - use the picture clues to help you.
Use the pictures and sentence starters to help you EXPLAIN why JUSTICE is important to Muslims.
Allah is JUST and on the LAST DAY He will... punish those who have been BAD and reward those who have been GOOD.
The QUR’AN teaches… that Allah wants people to.act in a just way and treat people fairly. “O ye who believe! Stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to God...” (Surah 4:135)
Under Islamic law everyone is... EQUAL – everyone is created equally by Allah and therefore should be treated the same.
The QUR’AN also teaches… that Muslims must not only avoid doing things that are not just, but must also work for justice. “The balme is only against those who oppress men…defying right and justice: for such there will be a penalty grievous” (Qur’an 42:42)
One of the FIVE PILLARS in Islam is to give ZAKAH… Muslims must give 2.5 % of their wealth annually to help those in need – it is done to end the injustice of poverty.
How can I say I am part of the UMMAH if … I do not treat my brothers and sisters with justice.
In what ways are the teachings of Islam about justice SIMILAR to Christianity? In what ways are they DIFFERENT?
Grade B Most will be able to explain why justice is important to Muslims and compare this to the teaching of Christianity. Grade B Most will be able to explain why justice is important to Muslims and compare this to the teaching of Christianity.
All Muslims work for JUSTICE through ONE of the FIVE PILLARS of Islam – ZAKAH. In this way wealth is shared and this helps create a more EQUAL and JUST society. As part of ZAKAH Muslims are required to give SADAQAH – this is either giving money to charity OR volunteering or acting in a charitable way. Muslims know that Allah is watching everything and that every deed that is done is recorded for JUDGEMENT DAY.
Two Muslim groups that campaign for justice are Muslim Aid and Islamic Relief. Watch the following two clips and list TWO POINTS with EXAMPLES for each organisation.
Muslim Aid is an organisation that works to relieve poverty around the world and secure JUSTICE for the poor and oppressed.
It provides emergency food and medical supplies as well as supporting projects that provide long-term solutions to poverty. Islamic Relief seeks to improve the lives of people affected by poverty, wars and natural disasters.
How can Muslims put their beliefs about justice into practice today? How Muslims work for JUSTICE. They give to charity (NOT JUST ZAKAH) The treat each other with respect (verbally) They avoid fighting except in ‘just/holy wars’. They campaign to governments – speaking out against injustice. They do not charge interest on money (riba) because this is unfair accoerding to shari’ah law. They support organisations that help others.
Grade C All will be able to describe the work of Muslim organisations seeking justice in the world. Grade C All will be able to describe the work of Muslim organisations seeking justice in the world.
Shari’ah Law = The Law of God Muslims believe in following Shari’ah Law BUT they must also follow the laws of the country they are in, even if those laws are NOT ISLAMIC. In Muslims countries the law of the country is built around Shari’ah Law. Shari’ah courts have very strict rules so that they are FAIR and JUST. FOR EXAMPLE – all trials have to be public so that JUSTICE can be seen to be done.
The repayment for an injury is an injury equal to the one inflicted: but if the person forgives and accepts compensation, his reward is due from God. (The Qur’an 42:40) The repayment for an injury is an injury equal to the one inflicted: but if the person forgives and accepts compensation, his reward is due from God. (The Qur’an 42:40) As to the thief, male or female, cut off his or her hands: a punishment by way of example, from God, for their crime (The Qur’an 5:41) As to the thief, male or female, cut off his or her hands: a punishment by way of example, from God, for their crime (The Qur’an 5:41) The woman and man guilty of adultery, flog each of them 100 times; do not let yourself feel sorry for them because this is what God has told you to do. (The Qur’an 24:2) The woman and man guilty of adultery, flog each of them 100 times; do not let yourself feel sorry for them because this is what God has told you to do. (The Qur’an 24:2)
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What is the issue with Shari’ah Law being taught in UK schools?
In the UK some Shari’ah courts exist and are allowed to settle minor disputes between Muslim families and deal with financial matters. Is it a good thing to have Shari’ah courts operating in the UK? Try to give some ideas both for and against.
/watch?v=9qt_Q06wI8o& feature/fvst
Does this seem JUST? Why are human rights organisations trying to get this form of punishment banned?
Grade A/A* Some will be able to express an opinion on Shari’ah Law and its role in UK society. Grade A/A* Some will be able to express an opinion on Shari’ah Law and its role in UK society.
One thing I have learnt today is... One thing that has surprised me this lesson is... One thing I would like to know more about is...