Catholic Social Teachings Rights and Responsibilities
Think about it: All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing (Edmund Burke 1729 – 1797)
Those who oppress the poor revile their Maker, but those who are kind to the needy honor him. (Proverbs 14:31)
Rights Its my life Its my right Its my choice Responsibilities Live - to love and serve God and others Freedom – to love and serve God and others That’s right
Jesus said it himself Come you who are blessed by my Father. Inherit the kingdom prepared for you For I was hungry and you gave me food. I was thirsty and you gave me drink. A stranger and you welcomed me Naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me In prison and you visited me And the righteous said “Lord when we do this?” And Jesus told them “Whatever you did for one ofthe least brothers of mine YOU DID FOR ME”
Let’s see what we’ve done for Jesus lately
Remember… Key themes of Catholic Social Teaching includes – Life and Dignity of the Human Person – Call to Family, Community, and Participation – Rights and Responsibilities – Option for the Poor and Vulnerable – Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers – Solidarity – Caring for God’s Creation
Remember Also… The Two Feet of Social Justice – Action – Advocacy We have to think like God thinks!
Our Basic Rights Survival – Necessary for people to live – Food – Shelter – Basic Health Care Thrival – God wants His creation to thrive and flourish, not just survive – Education – Employment – Enough material goods to support a family – Ability to live by one’s conscience and religion
With Rights Come Responsibilities Rights are important, but they are not unlimited All have the right to own property, but it is a gift given by God for the good of ALL people Everything we have and do must promote the dignity of us, our families, and all members of society We must help the world around us understand God’s Justice and the correct understanding of rights and liberties in our society
Closing prayer Dearest Lord, Today I offer you all my thoughts, deeds, and words Amen (inspired by Proverbs 16:3)