{ “The Crucible” Vocabulary #2 Juniors
State of alarm or fearful uncertainty trepidation
Adaptive, submissive, or of useful service subservient
Without power, slow, dull inert
To speak evil of, to slander malign
An agreement to keep a secret convenanted
To be unfavorably known for notorious
Witchcraft, using evil sorcery
Wonderful, amazing or enormous prodigious
Disorder, confusion, chaos anarchy
Eager or greedy avidly
To fill with joy or pride exaltation
To oppress or burden as in a nightmare incubi
A female demon who seduces men in their sleep succubi
Disregarding, sexually unrestrained licentious
To make pale, to whiten, to bleach blanched
To avoid or escape through evilness evade
An evil spirit or wicked person fiend
Having strict morals or religion Puritanical