Jean –Jacques Rousseau Wrote the Social Contract Humans in their original state of nature were happy and possessed natural rights. Natural innocence was corrupted by evils of society. Government should have minimal control and only freely elected governments should impose the controls. If a government fails in this purpose (to carry out the General Will), the people have the right to overthrow and replace it.
Baron de Montesquieu His book On the Spirit of Laws was his most famous. Saw despotism (tyrannical rule) as the danger for a government. Believed government elected by the people was the best type of government. Separation of powers would create stability in a government. Branches should check the power of each other.
Thomas Hobbes Wrote the Leviathan Argued that people were naturally cruel, greedy and selfish. Humans needed to be controlled or they would fight, rob and oppress each other. Believed life in the state of nature without laws or control would be solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short. Humans enter into a social compact to surrender their freedom to a ruler and granted the ruler absolute power in order to enable the ruler to maintain law and order. Since the ruler was not a party to the contract, the people have no right to complain about the ruler’s policies. Hobbes supports Royal Absolutism
John Locke He wrote Two Treatises of Government. Turn to page 11 and read John Locke's’ Second Treaties of Government. Answer the questions on a separate sheet of paper and turn it in.
The state arose out of a voluntary act of free people. The state exists to serve the will of the people. The people are free to give or withhold the power as they choose. The theory promotes popular sovereignty, limited government and individual rights.
John Locke Wrote Two Treatises of Government. Argued people formed governments to protect their natural rights. Natural rights: life, liberty, and property. Best government= limited power and accepted by all citizens. If government fails its obligations or violates its people’s natural rights, the people have the right to overthrow that government