Norman Conquest Three contenders for English throne in 1066 – Harold Godwinson – Edgar – William, Duke of Normany Harold declared king by Witan William and 5000 Norman vassals invaded England.
Norman Conquest (continued) Harold's brother, allied with King of Norway, invaded England Harold's troops defeated Norwegians, marched 250 miles south, and faced Normans Harold killed at Battle of Hastings (14 October 1066) William accepted by Witan and crowned King of English
Norman Innovations Nobles lived in castles – protected owners against A-S and other Norman nobles – built first of wood, then of stone in motte and bailey design keep or fortified tower built on motte (main defensive bastion) moat often encircled castle bailey was walled courtyard containing stables, stores, workshops, housing
Norman Innovations (Continued) Normans employed armored knights on horseback (the tank of the Middle Ages) knights equipment: iron helmet, chain mail, lance, shield, sword, mace rode on charger, horse equipped with special saddle, iron horseshoes, stirrups
Feudalism – was social organization designed to support cavalry Normans paid for castles and knights with income from land worked by serfs Land called fief or feudum – after Conquest William granted fiefs (baronies) to c. 170 knights (barons) who became his vassals (tenants- in-chief) vassals expected to provide military service and to pay feudal dues. pledged submission and loyalty to lord (homage and fealty) lord promised to protect and support vassal
Feudalism (continued) – tenants-in-chief raised required contingent of knights by subinfeudation settled others on lands in return for military service land that could support single knight known as knight's fee (by the 12th c. estate earning £20 annually) – economic complement was manorialism: land farmed by serfs who provided labor service in return for protection from lord of manor Norman Conquest brought fundamental change in nature of land holdings in A-S England, folk determined who owned land under feudalism, no one owned land except king (liege lord); everyone else possessed it
Feudalism (continued) – lord's manor became a political and judicial unit at Christmas, Easter, and Whitsuntide king kept court with tenants-in--chief tenants-in-chief were Williams main royal administrators feudal estates or honors became new unit of government tenant-in-chief expected his vassals to attend his honorial court
Norman Yoke? Normans blamed for reducing A-S peasants to serfs (villeins) Opponents of Norman Yoke theory argue slavery died out Both increase of serfdom and decrease of slavery stretched back to A-S period Life probably changed very little for most peasants
Norman Yoke? (cont’d) Taxation was higher under Normans – needed funds to build castles and raise armies – turned large areas into royal forests
Norman Kings William Rufus ( ) taxed nobles and church as well as peasants – left church offices vacant and pocketed revenues – extracted large gifts from bishops and abbots – got a bad press from the monastic chroniclers; Anglo-Saxon Chronicle – claims he was hated by almost all his people and was odious to God
Norman Kings Henry I ( ) was even more efficient/rapacious – established Court of Exchequer (Europes first royal accounting office) – became wealthiest monarch in Northern Europe – judged positively by chroniclers: He did justice and kept the peace.
Norman Kings Taxes increased under Norman kings, but so too did national wealth – economic boom lasted through 12th c. – kings encouraged trade – peasants benefited from order
Civil War Broke out in 1135 following death of Henry I – only son drowned – throne promised to daughter Matilda – throne seized by nephew Stephen Stephen amiable and easygoing fellow; reign was disaster
Civil War (continued) Nobles took advantage of weakness to seize land and wealth from other nobles and the church and to oppress the peasants. Stephens reign marked by Anarchy – Chroniclers wrote, “He did no justice.”
Lesson: Nice kings finish last