WORSHIPPING THE HOLY GOD A. In Revelation 4-5 we have a picture of heaven. Holy, holy, holy. Majestic scene of honor. B. Those on earth should honor God as well.
WORSHIPPING THE HOLY GOD C. Are all attempts at worship equally good? How can we make our worship better?
WORSHIPPING THE HOLY GOD Not by adding to what God has revealed for us to do in worship. 1 Cor. 11:23. Not by entertaining ourselves. Not by copying those around us.
WORSHIPPING THE HOLY GOD D. How do you express your love to your mate? What pleases them. God has told us what pleases Him. E. So let’s understand better what God wants and do it.
I. PROCLAIM A. 1 Cor. 11:26—proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes again. B. Jews built a temple to proclaim their devotion to God.
I. PROCLAIM C. 1 Peter 2:5 Each Christian is a stone in the temple of God. Each Christian is a priest to offer spiritual sacrifices
I. PROCLAIM D. Each time we meet, we proclaim to all who know we are here and to all come to observe that we believe in God and Christ and that we want others to know of our faith.
I. PROCLAIM l When we take the Lord’s supper l When we teach the Word l When we sing songs like O Worship the King Beneath the Cross
I. PROCLAIM E. Some have paid with their lives for making this proclamation. LET US PROCLAIM!
II. ADORE A. Rev. 4—Holy, holy, holy B. Heb. 13:15—Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that confess his name.
II. ADORE C. Matt. 6:9—Hallowed be thy name. D. In prayer In the Lord’s supper In giving
II. ADORE In song Fairest Lord Jesus We Praise Thee O God LET US ADORE!
III. COMMUNICATE A. John 4:24—God is spirit and they that worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth. Spirit to Spirit
III. COMMUNICATE B. 1 Cor. 14:15—Sing with the spirit and the understanding. Use the mind. C. Eph. 5:19—Sing and make melody in your hearts to the Lord. Use the heart--feelings
III. COMMUNICATE D. Phil. 4:6—let your requests be made known to God. The Spirit helps us. E. Four levels. F. Send a message of love, thanks, guilt, confession, requests.
III. COMMUNICATE F. In giving In prayer In the sermon In song Be With Me Lord I Need Thee Every Hour
IV. EDIFY A. 1 Cor. 14:26—Let all things be done for edification. B. Heb. 10:24-25—Let us provoke one another to love and good works. C. Worship is to help others. Be unselfish
IV. EDIFY D. We edify when we: Preach Sing Trust and Obey O Why Not Tonight LET US EDIFY!
Conclusion: A. We must worship God in the right way. Not add to His plan Not change His plan Do better in following His plan.
Conclusion: B. Proclaim Adore Communicate Edify PACE
Conclusion: C. What lesson will you take from this study: 1. Enter into worship with more focus—to offer sacrifices to our holy God. 2. Prepare for worship.
Conclusion: 3. Teach our children 4. Those who plan should think of the purposes and help us to achieve them. D. Give worship a high priority and do it well.
Conclusion: E. To have the Spirit within, you must be one of His children.