Copyright©Gordon Banks 2013


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Presentation transcript:

Copyright©Gordon Banks 2013 Rural Evangelism Extracted from sessions prepared by Capt. Gordon Banks C.A. and used in other similar consultations. Gordon represents the Diocese of Chichester within the Rural Evangelism Network. Copyright©Gordon Banks 2013

Copyright©Barry Osborne 2013 Special Information This presentation was designed and written by Capt. Gordon Banks C.A. It is hoped that many will find it helpful. Should you make use of the presentation we ask that you include the contact information towards the end of the presentation. Much of the clipart is in the public domain. Should you wish to use any of the material in the presentation please obtain permission stating what you wish to use and how you intend to use it. A presentation transcription can be made available. Thank you. Copyright©Barry Osborne 2013

Copyright©Gordon Banks 2013 Captain Gordon Banks CA Diocesan Evangelist Chichester Church Army Rural Link Officer Committee member Rural Evangelism Network Chaplain to FCN Sussex/Surrey Copyright©Gordon Banks 2013

Copyright©Gordon Banks 2013 Ministry… Community Evangelist Marsh Farm Luton 1986 – 1989 Parish Evangelist St Mary’s Prudhoe Northumberland 1989 – 1996 East Wivelshire Deanery Evangelist Cornwall 1996 – 2001 Diocesan Evangelist – Truro 2001 – 2005 Diocesan Evangelist – Chichester 2005… Copyright©Gordon Banks 2013

and previous employment before... Copyright©Gordon Banks 2013

Copyright©Gordon Banks 2013 Journey To Faith: a local church training course Most of this ‘material’ is based on this downloadable resource available from the Arthur Rank Centre. Copyright©Gordon Banks 2013

Rural Evangelism Network Bringing together Churches and Mission Agencies Copyright©Gordon Banks 2013

Copyright©Gordon Banks 2013 evangelism and mission Mission Totality of God’s activity to restore his order (Kingdom) to the whole of creation ~ Missio Dei Evangelism That part which restores God’s relationship with humans as the Good News of Jesus is both told and lived Copyright©Gordon Banks 2013

Copyright©Gordon Banks 2013 1998 Lambeth Conference The aim of God’s mission… ‘the transformation of the life not only of individuals but also society, the nations and the whole created order.’ Copyright©Gordon Banks 2013

Copyright©Gordon Banks 2013 The Five Marks of Mission To proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom To teach, baptise and nurture new believers To respond to human need by loving service To seek to transform unjust structures of society To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the earth Copyright©Gordon Banks 2013

Copyright©Gordon Banks 2013 To proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom evangelism Digging deeper… Copyright©Gordon Banks 2013

Copyright©Gordon Banks 2013 Evangelism as engagement church earth heaven Copyright©Gordon Banks 2013

Copyright©Gordon Banks 2013 For God so loved the world… Copyright©Gordon Banks 2013

Copyright©Gordon Banks 2013 Out & Back – community engagement Reaping Third Agents Particularizing the Gospel when local sensibilities make it difficult to do so – a very rural specific! Copyright©Gordon Banks 2013

Copyright©Gordon Banks 2013 Seasons & Cycles ~ Rhythms & Patterns Copyright©Gordon Banks 2013

Copyright©Gordon Banks 2013 Creating a map for the year ahead… 1. Secular celebrations, anniversaries, events, etc. taking place in 2014 in your local area, the region or nationally or even internationally? 2014 – commemoration of the start of World War 1 Copyright©Gordon Banks 2013

Copyright©Gordon Banks 2013 Secular seasonal events… Winter – New Year Celebrations Spring – Easter weekend break Summer – holidays Autumn – new school term, Halloween, Bonfire night Copyright©Gordon Banks 2013

Copyright©Gordon Banks 2013 Creating a map for the year ahead… 2. What ‘seasonal’ events take place in the life of the Church? Some of these may have a local peculiarity or be rural specific. Copyright©Gordon Banks 2013

Copyright©Gordon Banks 2013 Creating a map for the year ahead… Main Church seasonal events … Epiphany (Methodist Covenant Service) Candlemass Shrove Tuesday/Ash Wednesday Lent Holy Week ~ Easter Pentecost Harvest Advent Christmass Copyright©Gordon Banks 2013

Copyright©Gordon Banks 2013 Creating a map for the year ahead… Remember we are thinking of these as opportunities for evangelism, sharing faith through words and actions… “We should do things more evangelistically rather than do more evangelistic things!” Copyright©Gordon Banks 2013

Copyright©Gordon Banks 2013 Creating a map for the year ahead… Some rural specifics… Lammas Plough Sunday Clypping Service Crying the neck Rogation Beating the bounds Blessing the Milk Parlour Blessing an Equine Event Opening Worship for County Show Copyright©Gordon Banks 2013

Copyright©Gordon Banks 2013 Bringing it together… Copyright©Gordon Banks 2013

Yearly cycle of community engagement KEY: Green – the world’s view of the year Purple - Church seasons Red Blobs – opportunities for engagement CHRISTMAS Dec Jan  New school year – begin Alpha or other initiation courses  Back to Church Sunday & Harvest – Stewardship  All Saints / Remembrance – Legacies  Christmas – hospitality and welcome  “Welcome to St Wilberts” course – meet the local teams  Candlemas – just completed tax returns – another Stewardship opportunity  Lent courses – deepening discipleship AND/OR Alpha (if not done in Sept)  Easter – baptisms and confirmations  Church check-up time – are we effective?  Summer term – serving the community  Go to summer festivals – New Wine, Soul Survivor, Greenbelt, Walsingham SPRING TERM Epiphany Nov Advent Feb   AUTUMN TERM  Lent   Oct Mar Yearly cycle of community engagement  EASTER   Apr Sep    Pentecost May Aug SUMMER HOLS Jul Jun SUMMER TERM Copyright©Gordon Banks 2013

Copyright©Gordon Banks 2013 Foster a level of expectancy… Always ask ‘what next?’… Offer various ways to explore and engage with the Faith Community & in particular ensure you use electronic communication… Facebook, twitter, web page, blogs, Q.R. reader… Ensure something like Christianity Enquiry Agency is on your web site and all hard copy material you produce including Pew/Service Sheets and especially Carol Services… Copyright©Gordon Banks 2013

Copyright©Gordon Banks 2013 Let me tell you a story Let me tell you my story A framework for forming our unique faith story… Copyright©Gordon Banks 2013

Copyright©Gordon Banks 2013 Meet Ben… Before Encounter Now Most often conversion Christians… Copyright©Gordon Banks 2013

Copyright©Gordon Banks 2013 Meet Ann… Always known God Needed to develop owned faith Now Most often cradle Christians… Copyright©Gordon Banks 2013

Copyright©Gordon Banks 2013 The pilgrims story… Journey to Faith Ben – from little or no faith/knowledge of God to becoming a disciple of Jesus Ann – from vicarious faith to owned faith Copyright©Gordon Banks 2013

Copyright©Gordon Banks 2013 Journey to faith – from process to crisis We need to meet people where they are on their journey and help them take the next step… Copyright©Gordon Banks 2013

Copyright©Gordon Banks 2013 Journey of faith… Blessing Behaving Believing Belonging Befriending Copyright©Gordon Banks 2013

Copyright©Gordon Banks 2013 In conclusion… The hope for all our villages, towns and cities is to develop Christian Communities rather than church congregations. These Faith Communities will be committed at the core and open at the edges. They will know their individual stories, their church story, the story of their context and culture and God’s overarching story for the redemption of the cosmos of which they are a part. They will be both an evangelized and an evangelizing community drawing people into the life of the Faith Community and into the heart and love of God. Copyright©Gordon Banks 2013

Copyright©Gordon Banks 2013 Contact Information: Captain Gordon Banks CA Diocesan Evangelist Church House 211 New Church Road Hove East Sussex BN3 4ED 01273 425686 Copyright©Gordon Banks 2013