Presentation to the Mission Leadership Forum by the New York Coalition of Religious Congregations to Stop Trafficking of Persons
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. The Lord has sent me to proclaim liberty to captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed. Luke 4:18)
My Call Why am I working to stop human trafficking? What touched me to start this work? Influence- RSHM founder and the founding sisters working with prostitutes. Also I was influenced by the following actions:
In 2001 Over 800 Superiors of the International Union of Superiors General took a stance against human trafficking.
In 2001, the US Leadership Conference of women and men religious jointly took a stance against human trafficking.
Corporate Stance Most of the 35 members of the Stop Coalition have taken a Corporate Stance. I will share mine from my Religious Order and Joan will share hers later.
RSHM Corporate Stance The Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary recognize the trafficking of human persons as a form of modern day slavery. We oppose this grave violation of human rights and dignity. We will work towards the elimination of human trafficking in all its forms.”
In 2003, after ministry in Zimbabwe, Africa I returned to US - became the JPIC Animator for our Province. Human trafficking was a deep concern for us.
In February 2004 Four Catholic nuns - death threats for exposing an organ trafficking network operating in northern Mozambique. Alert sent to International JPIC and many wrote to Mozambique Government Some action taken by the government
In September, our former Provincial leader, Sr. Letizia began to visit trafficked women at the Detention Center in Rome, Italy. Our sisters in our Provinces and Regions were also working to stop modern-day slavery.
In June 2005, Joan and I went to a national conference on human trafficking sponsored by the USCCB in Baltimore, MD
Then we came together to work to stop modern-day slavery thus the New York Coalition of Religious Congregations to Stop Trafficking of Persons (NY-CRC-STOP) was born
First Co-Chairs of NY-CRC-STOP Mary Heyser, RSHM and Joan Dawber, SC of Halifax
Some members of the STOP Core Committee Mary Heyser, RSHM; Joan Dawber, SC; Pat Murray, MM; Geraldine Kennedy, OSU; and Ethel Howley, SSND
35 RELIGIOUS ORDERS are members of NY-CRC-STOP Congregation of St. Joseph of Brentwood Congregation of St Joseph of Carondelet Cong of the Infant Jesus Daughters of Wisdom Dominican Sisters of Hope Congregation of Notre Dame Franciscan Handmaids of Mary Franciscan Sisters of Peace Franciscan Sisters of the Atonement Franciscans Sisters of the Poor Institute of the Sisters of St. Louis Marist Brothers Maryknoll Sisters Missionaries Sisters of Heart of Jesus Missionary Franciscan Srs of the IC Oblate Srs Most Holy Redeemer Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary Religious Sisters of Mercy, Northeast School Sisters of Notre Dame School Sisters of St. Francis Sister of Charity of Halifax Sisters of Charity, NY Sisters of Divine Compassion Sisters of St Dominic of Amityville Sisters of St Dominic of Blauvelt Sisters of St Dominic of Sparkill Sisters of St. Dorothy Sisters of St. Ursula Sisters of the Good Shepherd Sisters Holy Names of Jesus and Mary Sisters of the Presentation of the BVM Society of Jesus, MD, N Eng. & NY Society of the Holy Child Jesus Ursuline of the Roman Union Ursuline of Tildonk
The STOP Coalition's Workshops on Human Trafficking Legislation on Trafficking and Safe Horizon A Global Problem with Local Ramifications The Human Face of Trafficking Working Together to End the Demand for Human Trafficking Taking the Next Steps: Stop the Demand for Human Trafficking Human Trafficking of Young Women The True Cost of the Low Price: Labor Trafficking & Consumerism Human Trafficking: Whose Business Is It? The Travel Industry’s Role in Ending Modern-Day Slavery
I WILL NOW TALK ABOUT TWO OF THESE WORKSHOPS The Human Face of Trafficking The True Cost of the Low Price: Labor Trafficking & Consumerism
The Human Face of Trafficking We were invited us to look closely at the people caught in this modern-day slavery and hear their stories. THREE of the STORIES from this Workshop
The other Workshop that I want to tell you about concerns Labor Trafficking Geraldo Reyes The True Cost of the Low Price: Labor Trafficking & Consumerism – conducted by the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) and a panel on: –Fair Trade Activities –Sweat Shops –Socially Responsible Investments Now we will watch some You-tubes that tell what was presented: Harvest of Shame Fair Trade
The True Cost of the Low Price: Labor Trafficking & Consumerism White House Forum to Combat Human TraffickingWhite House Forum to Combat Human Trafficking the CIW and the Fair Food Program were recognized United Nations delegation - two days in Immokalee – current initiatives, opportunities and challenges in implementing the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights in the country.
In addition to our Workshops we held two Days of Discernment We discovered that although our Religious Orders have DIFFERENT CHARISMS, We were Sensing the presence of our founders and foundresses UNITING US TO WORK TO STOP HUMAN TRAFFICKING
At these Days of Discernment we set up three sub-committees: Education, Legislative/Advocacy, and Housing
EDUCATION COMMITTEE Does outreach to parishes, schools, clubs and organizations through education and awareness raising efforts
LEGISLATIVE/ADVOCACY COMMITTEE Lobby Days in Albany, NY updates the STOP Coalition members on legislation encourages follow-up letters to make sure the laws are funded and accomplishing their goals.
Members of the STOP Coalition work for and monitor the National Human Trafficking Laws
The HOUSING COMMITTEE created short term Emergency Safe Spaces and volunteer training through LifeWay Network. Through the help of the STOP Coalition members LifeWay was able to open LifeWay House
The STOP Coalition collaborates with faith-based and other networks to end modern-day slavery locally, statewide, nationally and globally Safe HorizonEquality Now ICCR/TRI-CRINYC Anti-Trafficking Coalition Sanctuary for FamiliesNY State Anti-Trafficking Group Polaris ProjectWestchester Task Force
The STOP Coalition has educated and empowered our Membership and Colleagues to take action against human trafficking
We ask ourselves… “Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? When did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?
‘When you did it for one of these, you did it for me.” Mt 25:39-40 And the Lord will answer
We now turn to Sr. Joan