“Imamat” By: Sayed Akhtar Rizwi Presented By: Dreshak Sardar Zulfiqar Ali (Ya Ali’s Servant)
The Basic Difference Shia: Believes Ali Ibin Abu Talib First Imam of Believers Excels Ummah in all Virtues Is Masoom Can Display Miracles Chosen By Allah as Imam Declared by Prophet as Imam Prophet wasn’t given a chance to write the declaration of his Imamat Imam 'at continued in his progeny Sunni: Believes Abu Baker, Umar, Usman and Ali Caliphs in order of Believers Excelling Ummah in all virtues was not necessary for a Caliph Is not Masoom Couldn’t display miracles Caliph must be Selected by Ijmaa Nomination by previous Caliph Shura - Committee Military Power
Questions to be Answered? Is Imam or Caliph: A representative of Allah and Vicegerent of Prophet and Chosen by Allah? OR The ruler of a Kingdom and chosen by People? Abu Sufian said on Fateh-e-Makkah: “Abbas Your nephew has acquired quite a Kingdom.” Abbas Said: “Woe onto thee, this is not kingship, it is Prophethood.” Conclusion: Prophethood is different from kingship. Similarly, SHOULD THE IMAM/CALIPH BE CHOSEN BY ALLAH OR BY THE PEOPLE???
IMAM/CALIPH TO BE CHOSEN BY ALLAH OR BY THE PEOPLE??? Holy Quran Says: ‘And Thy Lord Creates what He wills, and chooses; They have no right to choose.’ Allah himself appointed Prophet Dawood(as) and Ibraheem(A.S) as the Caliph on the earth: ‘O Dawood! Verily, We have made thee (our) caliph on earth.’ QURAN: 38 :26 ‘I am about to make thee an Imam to mankind.’ QURAN: 2: 124 Then as a general rule, it is stated: ‘And We made them Imams who were to guide by our Command.’ QURAN: 21: 73 When the Prophet Musa(as) wanted a Wazier to help him in his responsibilities, he did not appoint someone by his authority. He prayed to Allah: ‘And make for me a Wazier from among my family, Aaron my brother.’ QURAN: 20: And God said: ‘Granted is thy prayer, O Musa!’ QURAN 20: 36 Conclusion: Allah attributes the appointment of the Caliph or Imam exclusively to Himself.
Shia’te Point of View Imam Ali Ibin Abu Talib True Imam Appointed by Allah Excelled Ummah in all virtues Claim Backed by 86 Ayats in Quran Accepted by both Shia and Sunni Scholars Declaration of Imamat by Prophet (A.S) Claim Backed by Ghadeer Incident Accepted by both Shia and Sunni Scholars
Shia’te Point of View Appointment by Allah of Imam Ali Holy Quran Says: ‘Verily, your Master is but Allah and His Apostle and those who believe, who establish prayers, and pay the Zakat while bowed in worship.’ QURAN: 5: 55 The Muslim scholars (Sunni and Shia alike) are agreed that this verse was revealed in honor of Imam Ali Ibin Abe Taleb(as).
Shia’te Point of View Declaration of Imamat by Prophet (A.S) At Ghadeer Al-Khum after finishing his last pilgrimage, Gabriel the Archangel said to Prophet: ‘O Apostle! proclaim what hath been sent down to thee from thy Lord: and if thou do it not, thou hast not proclaimed His Message (at all) and God will protect thee from (evil) men)’ QURAN: 5: 67 The Prophet addressed the people: “Tell me if I have not authority on you more than you yourselves have." All of them cried out that he certainly had. The Prophet then said, Know then and remember that whomsoever Master I am, this Ali is his Master." In the end he invoked his blessing on Ali, saying, ‘O God! befriend him who befriends Ali and be enemy of him who bears enmity to Ali; and help him who assists Ali and forsake him who deserts Ali.’ When the ceremony was over the following verse of the Quran was revealed: "This day have I perfected your religion for you and have completed my blessing on you and am pleased with Islam as your religion.’ QURAN: 5: 3 Conclusion: On Ali's appointment to Imamat the religion was perfected, the blessing of Allah completed and Islam approved by God.
Declaration of Imamat by Prophet (A.S) The first is the Hadeeth Al- Thaqalain in which The Prophet said: ‘I am leaving two weighty things among you, the one is the book of God and the other my Ahlul-Bait (Family). If you adhere to them and continue to follow and obey both of them and forsake neither, you will never be go astray. They will not be separated till they reach me at the Hauzul - Kausar (Reservoir of Heaven.)’ Accepted by both Shia and Sunni Scholars
Written Declaration of Imamat by Prophet (A.S) In Saheeh Muslim there is a tradition narrated by Ibn Abbas: Three days before the Prophet's death the Apostle said: ‘Now let me write something for you by way of a will so that you are go Astray after me.’ Umar said: ‘The Apostle is talking in delirium the Book of Allah is sufficient for us.’ Others sided with Umar. When the tension and uproar increased the Apostle said, "Get away from me.“ Shia’s Believe: Phrases given give us link to Hadees Al-Thaqalain
Sunni Point of View Even an ignorant and immoral person can become a Caliph Elections of Abu-Baker were Democratic Abu Baker was the successor of the Prophet Nomination of Umar by Abu-Baker was Justified Nomination of Usman by Shura Committee made by Umar was Justified Grasping of Power by any unfair means (Power, Military, Might is Right) is also justified Conclusion: Every conceivable way of acquiring power was used and canonized
Conclusion Majority of Sunni Caliphs (Muawiyah, Yazeed, Haroon Rasheed etc) were devoid of any sense of religious piety. To justify the Caliphate of such Caliphs Sunni’s say “Even the prophets used to commit sins.” “There is nothing wrong in giving preference to an inferior person over a superior person." Shia’te point of view It is 'evil' to give preference to an inferior when a superior person is available. Result: Not only the Prophets were deprived of their 'Is mat', even God was deprived of His 'Justice.‘ Shia’te point of view In this background, it is easy to understand the full significance of the Ayah which was revealed at Ghadeer: "O Apostle proclaim what hath been sent down to thee from they Lord (i.e. Caliphate of Ali); and if thou doth it not, then thou did not proclaim His message (at all): and God will protect thee from (evil) men.“ Thus the safety of the whole religion depended upon Ali being the Caliph after The Holy Prophet.