Six ways of seeing church
Avery dulles son of Secretary of State John Foster Dulles (whom the Dulles airport is named after) Jesuit priest, theologian Cardinal of Roman Catholic Church 6 models of Church
ways of seeing the church 6 models of the Church. By model, we mean there are 6 ways that we experience, or understand the Church. The Church is a mystery. It cannot be fully analyzed or explained. Analogy No one model can give us a complete understanding, but each adds to our understanding
Brainstorm In what ways or images do you see the Church? What have you heard the Church referred to as, or compared to?
The six models The Church as Body of Christ or People of God The Church as Institution The Church as Sacrament The Church as Herald of God’s Word The Church as Servant The Church as Community of Disciples
2. the church as institution Clerics (Pope, bishops, priests, deacons) responsible of the laity for teaching, sanctifying, and ruling. We are organized through formal structures
2. church as institution Not just a building Institution- the organized patterns, rules, and social structures that help a group keep order Most familiar model- The Church as hierarchy is only one dimension this dimension of the Church is the human way of ensuring that the Church will be maintained and its mission will continue Matt 16:18 “You are Peter and upon this rock I will build my church.”
The church hierarchy Pope Benedict XVI Cardinals Archbishops Bishops Head of the Catholic Church Cardinals Cardinal DiNardo--Houston Archbishops Some Archbishops are Cardinals, but not all Cardinals are Archbishops Bishops Bishop Loverde--Arlington 3rd degree of Holy Orders Priests received 2 degrees of Holy Orders Monsignors Priests, but have a certain amount of authority & seniority Deacons Can be married BEFORE being ordained a Deacon, 1st degree
1. The church as body of christ or people of god often referred to as the Body of Christ Body of Jesus on earth. A worshipping community of believers who by their faith become a sign and instrument of the union of God and man.
1. Body of Christ We are related to one another as a family. “We are many parts, we are all one body. And the gifts we have, we are given to share” St. Paul’s Letter to the Corinthians- all members, each with a different function, are important to the Body of Christ People of God-a name for the church community that expresses a similar reality as Body of Christ recalls the identity of the Israelites as the Chosen People of God and that Jesus calls all people to God’s love, thus those who believe become members of God’s own family
4.Church as herald of God’s word We proclaim the Good News The Church is the Herald of Jesus Christ. It is the official messenger to proclaim the Word of God to all people.
4. Herald Belief in Jesus and his message comes through hearing the word of God preached. “Where 2 or 3 are gathered in my name, I am there among them.” Matt 18:20 A faithful people who hear the word of God and keep it by putting their faith in Jesus and proclaiming it in their lives--to hear the Good News and pass it on Mass, publications, programs, tv/radio, missionaries, actions of Christians
5. Church as servant We are at the service of God and therefore of all humankind. servants who give themselves and make sacrifices for others when we serve others with compassion we serve God
5. Servant Servant- to offer itself to humankind directly and compassionately out of love for God. a redeemed people who have the mandate to establish in this world Christ’s kingship of peace, justice, love, and reconciliation look at our own abilities and talents follow the command to love to correct human sinfulness
3. The church as sacrament We are a visible, tangible sign of God’s love. Sacrament- a physical sign of God’s saving love Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation, Reconciliation, Holy Orders, Marriage, Anointing of the Sick
Church as sacrament Through the physical sign we are reminded that God’s saving power is present Vatican II --the church “is a kind of sacrament or sign of intimate union with God, and of the unity of all mankind” Church is to be a sign of God’s grace in a world needful of redemption. Church called to be saintly while clearly not yet there fully. Jesus as Christ is the sacrament of God. The Church is the sacrament of Christ. Seven sacraments flow from this identity.
6. the church as community of disciples We are followers of Jesus. follow Jesus, not society live out the Kingdom of God here on earth
6. community of disciples Community of Disciples- a people whose lifestyle stands in contrast with the rest of society Living a life that is not easy, but is fulfilling may be the most challenging dimension of being church.