“Now more alive than ever!”
The only way you find life is by grasping Jesus. Why it’s in confessing “…with your heart that Jesus is Lord and [believing] in your heart that God raised him from the dead” Paul clarifies – “[that you grasp life, that] you will be saved…” (Romans 10:9).
And so let’s deliver the signature truth that delivers life. For how can persons “…believe in [truth, in Jesus, if] they have not heard. And how can they truly hear without someone preaching to them [sharing with them; or in keeping with our series theme: evangelizing them]…” (Romans 10:14).
Share Vulnerably, Radiating Good News.
“How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news…” (Romans 10:15) “who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say…your God reigns…” (Isaiah 52:7).
Unapologetically Center On Jesus And His ‘One Of A Kind,’ Reconciling Work.
For “…God was reconciling the world to himself in [Jesus]…and…has [now] committed to us the message of reconciliation. We are therefore God’s ambassadors… [imploring everyone]… be reconciled to God [through Jesus]…” (2 Corinthians 5:18; 20).
There’s only one Gospel: God is in Jesus -- reconciling all things, through His death and resurrection -- making all things new.
“The Christian faith stands in contrast to [all other world religions]. It is not… a call to be religious, nor… an announcement of ethical principles, but…rather the [very] self-disclosure of God, in Christ -- inviting us to [reconcile with Him, to commune] with Him” -- through Jesus.
Envision Yourself On A Rescue Mission, Saving Life, “Saving Souls.”
“If anyone [wants to] come after me he must deny [self]… for whoever [seeks] to save [self] will lose it, but whoever loses [self] for me will find it.” And so “what good [is it]…” Jesus concludes, “… [if you gain]… the whole world -- yet forfeit [your true self, your] soul?” Matthew 16:24-26.
I’ve come, I live to “…seek and…save [the] lost…” (Luke 19:10)
But Paul is right: how will persons know such truth, if “…they have not heard. And how can they…hear without someone preaching to them [sharing with them; evangelizing them]…” (Romans 10:14).