Eat, Drink, and Be Merry Thanksgiving in Community
Defining Terms Communion: Latin word meaning “duty or work shared by all” Eucharist: Greek word meaning “I give thanks/thanksgiving” Lord’s Supper: Term of tradition and remembrance, speaks of the “meal” nature of communion “Eating and drinking together, as our common duty (work) of thanksgiving.”
Eating and Drinking We always celebrate Communion in the same way: we EAT (and drink)! Jesus took the ordinary (bread and wine) and made them extra-ordinary. A connection between our bodies and spiritual actions.
...together, as our common duty... An act of Inclusion/Identity An act of Community An act of Binding
...of Thanksgiving Ευχαριστ έ ω means “I give thanks.” We proclaim Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. We proclaim reconciliation. We participate in that reconciliation
we eat and drink together, as our duty of thanksgiving