Chamberlain 10 Minute Update: “How God has led & How He is leading”
Pioneer Church Plant Stages Stage 1: Prepare Stage 2: Survey & Learn Stage 3: Contact & Proclaim Stage 4: Make Disciples Stage 5: Gather the Church Stage 6: Train Leaders Stage 7: Coach New Church to Reproduce
Daily Prayer Partners Financial Support
Photo early NICU x3
(in Chicago) 2-5 years
(in Chicago) 2-5 years (in South Asia) +2 years
(in Chicago) 2-5 years +2 years & beyond
Chamberlain’s Life Vision: STILL UNCHANGED AFTER 9 YEARS to glorify our Lord Jesus in our daily living as we labor to see self-reproducing churches planted among the least-reached Forward Caste Hindu people groups of North India.