Roots, Group 2 Base roots, Prefixes, and Suffixes
Essential Roots: 1.geo=earth (dirt), Earth (planet) 2.graph / graphy=to write, make a record of 3.volv /volvo =turn over, roll 4.meter / metr=measure PREFIX (word beginning) SUFFIX (word ending) 6.-ious / -ous=full of
Advanced Roots: 1.demo /demos=people 2.cracy= government, system 3.theo=belief, religion 4.log / logue =reason, speech, thought 5.dia=across, through For fun : rrhage / rrhea= gushing forth
Honors Essential Roots: 1.log / logue =reason, speech, thought 3.anthropo=human 4.sens / sent =feel, be aware of 5.cracy=government, system 6.volv / volve =turn over, roll 7.meter / metr =measure
Honors Essential Prefixes and Suffixes: PREFIXES (word beginnings) 2.a-=without, not 3.ab-= away from 4.dia-= across, through SUFFIX (word ending) 5.-ious / -ous= full of
Honors Advanced Roots: 1.scribe / script=write 2.dict=say, speak, proclaim 3.amo / amor=romantic love 4.phil=brotherly love, friendship 5.demo / demos=people 6.polis / polit=city 7.arch / archy=king, ruler 8.theo=belief, religion 9.zoo=animal 10.hemo=blood For fun: rrhage / rrhea