Muslim Empire Lesson 1 Introduction
Agenda Essential Question – How are the origins of the Muslim religion related to its empire? Goals - Students will be able to describe significant aspects of Islamic belief Tasks Please Do Now: Questionnaire (CP1-4) or Japan Quiz (CP1-2 & 6) Review Muslim Unit Syllabus Unit Pretest Islam Review Sufi Activity Homework Map/Vocab Worksheet due next class Map/Vocab Quiz lesson 3 Materials: Cube book Unit Pre-Test Japan Quiz Syllabus Packets Do Now: 15 minutes Review Syllabus: 10 minutes PreTest: 10 minutes Muslim Review: 15 minutes Sufi Activity: 15 minutes
CP1-4 Only
Syllabus 10 minutes Due to so many snow days, we will add dates as we go along. Feel free to plan ahead!
Unit Pre Test Please put everything away except a pen You will be taking a Pre-test on the Muslim Unit THIS WILL NOT COUNT TOWARDS A GRADE I will use the results of this test to create our curriculum At the end of the unit you will be re-tested and we will compare results (The tests will not be identical!) Pre-Test 15 minutes
Family Feud – The Rise of Islam How did Muhammad bring Islam to Arabia? Troubled by the idol worship of the Arabs he would go to a desert cave to meditate and pray At age 40, the angel Gabriel came to him in a vision and told him to proclaim Allah is the creator His wife, Khadija,(ka dee ja) urged him to accept the message Khadija became the first convert to Islam, after many more converted 622 Muhammad forced to move to Medina – turning point Muhammad and followers defeated the Meccans and returned Muhammad Troubled by the idol worship of the Arabs Would go to a desert cave to meditate and pray At age 40, the angel Gabriel came to him in a vision and told him to proclaim Allah is the creator His wife, Khadija,(ka dee ja) urged him to accept the message Khadija became the first convert to Islam 622 Muhammad forced to move to Medina – turning point Muhammad and followers defeated the Meccans and returned Upon his death in 632, Abu Bakr was elected the first successor or Caliph 5 Pillars declaration of faith daily prayer after cleansing alms fasting during Ramadan Hajj to Mecca once in life Quran – Written recording of what Gabriel told Muhammad can only be understood in Arabic (shared language unites all Muslim) complete guide to life Sharia – interpretation of Quran civil and religious law are one Changes for women – spiritual equality prohibited killing of daughters protected widows guaranteed inheritance consent to marriage right to divorce right to an education. Islam adopted other traditions such as veiling, harems (secluded quarters,)
Family Feud – The Rise of Islam What are the 5 Pillars? declaration of faith daily prayer after cleansing alms fasting during Ramadan Hajj to Mecca once in life
Family Feud – The Rise of Islam Describe the Quran & Sharia Written recording of what Gabriel told Muhammad can only be understood in Arabic (shared language unites all Muslim) complete guide to life Sharia – interpretation of Quran civil and religious law are one
Family Feud – The Rise of Islam What changes did Islam bring for women? spiritual equality prohibited killing of daughters protected widows guaranteed inheritance consent to marriage right to divorce right to an education. Islam adopted other traditions such as veiling, harems
Judaism, Christianity, Islam Religious Comparison Judaism, Christianity, Islam Similarities Differences Monotheistic Heaven & Hell Abraham is everyone’s ancestor No priests/No hierarchy Jesus was a prophet, not messiah Cannot eat pork or drink wine Quran guides, not the Bible or Torah Similarities Monotheistic Heaven & Hell Abraham is everyone’s ancestor Differences No priests/No hierarchy Jesus was a prophet, not messiah Cannot eat pork or drink wine Quran guides, not the Bible or Torah
World Religions 2003 Encyclopedia Brittanica 3 billion Christians 2.2 billion Muslims 1.2 billion Hindus 6.1 million Buddhists and Jews
The Cube Origins are mysterious – some say it is a Sufi tradition Origins of The Cube from Sufism (Annie Gottlieb and Slobodan Pesic) Significance of the cube to Islam symbolism- Kaaba The Kaaba, Mecca, Saudi Arabia
Homework Map/Vocab Worksheet due next class (lesson 2) Map/Vocab Quiz lesson 3 Next class Muhammad’s successors Spread of Islam 5 minutes If time, have students do Hip Hop Activity or start map homework or fill out class questionnaire if they have not done so