The Holy Eucharist 6. We cannot live without Sunday
The first Christians clebrated the Mass on Sundays The Acts of the Apsotles and St. Paul tell us that the first Christians gathered together on Sunday to celebrate the Eucharist. The Acts of the Apsotles and St. Paul tell us that the first Christians gathered together on Sunday to celebrate the Eucharist.
The Mass is a need When authorities prohibit the celebration of the Mass on Sunday, then it is not celebrated in the church but in private houses. When authorities prohibit the celebration of the Mass on Sunday, then it is not celebrated in the church but in private houses.
During the Roman persecution of 250 A.D. The Roman soldiers arrested a group of Christians for having celebrated the Holy Mass. The Roman soldiers arrested a group of Christians for having celebrated the Holy Mass.
We cannot live without Sunday The judge interrogated Emeritus: Have you allowed it to take place in your house? — Yes, I have. And the judge said: You should not have allowed it. Emeritus replied: — I did not want to prevent it, because we we cannot live without the Sunday Eucharist. The judge interrogated Emeritus: Have you allowed it to take place in your house? — Yes, I have. And the judge said: You should not have allowed it. Emeritus replied: — I did not want to prevent it, because we we cannot live without the Sunday Eucharist.
Are we only spectators? No, we are also actors. No, we are also actors. Only the priest consecrates, but all the faithful participating in the Mass unite to him in order to offer the Body and Blood of Jesus to the Father. The priest speaks in the plural: We thank you, Father, for countng us worthy to stand in your presence and serve You.
One day at Passover After the Sabbath, toward the dawn of the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to the sepulchre. An angel appeared and said to them: I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here; for he has risen. (Matthew 28:1ff)
The word Sunday means the the Lord’s Day We use this term because Jesus, the lord, resurrected on the first day of the week. We use this term because Jesus, the lord, resurrected on the first day of the week.
We celebrate Passover on Sunday Christians gather together in the Mass to celebrate the Mystery of our Faith: We announce Your Death,. We proclaim Your Resurrection. Come, Lord Jesus. Christians gather together in the Mass to celebrate the Mystery of our Faith: We announce Your Death,. We proclaim Your Resurrection. Come, Lord Jesus.
Attending Mass is our duty Every Sunday, the bells call us to go to Mass. Their voice reach us at every great feast. The End