The Gospel According to LUKE The Master Teacher
The Gospel According to Luke The Author: Luke Writes to Theophilus (Greek) –Genealogy goes back to Adam –Birth and Childhood narratives Longest and most personal Parables. –Good Samaritan –Rich man & Lazarus –Prodigal Son –Unjust Steward
Mark An eye witness of the life and ministry of Jesus Associated with the apostles Peter and Paul Writes to JewsWrites to Gentiles Jesus presented as a King Jesus presented as a Servant Focus on the sermons of Jesus Focus on the miracles of Jesus Matthew Jesus presented as a Teacher Focus on the teachings & parables of Jesus Luke
Outline of Luke Luke 1 – 3Luke 4 – 9Luke 10 – 18Luke 19 – 24 Birth & Baptism of Jesus The Identity of Jesus Jesus… set His face to go to Jerusalem (9:51) The Parables & Teachings of Jesus Death, Burial & Resurrectio n of Jesus Judea & Jordan Galilee On the Road to Jerusalem At Jerusalem PreparationMiraclesParablesSacrifice 30 Years2½ Years6 Months1 Week Begins In the Temple Concludes In the Temple
Observations from Luke Luke is a Historian –His historical notations include mention of the various Caesars and the local governors –He seeks to relate an “accurate account” The Temple is a Geographical Focus –Infant and child narratives take place in the temple –Jesus sets his face to go to Jerusalem –Resurrection appearances are all in or around Jerusalem
Observations from Luke Tabletalks of Jesus –Nineteen meals are mentioned in Luke –Thirteen of these are unique to Luke’s Gospel Emphasis on the Poor & the Oppressed –Mary sings of how God has filled the hungry and sent away the rich empty-handed (1:53) –Jesus came to set free the downtrodden (4:18- 21) –Woe to the rich (6:24) –Parable of the Rich Fool (12:16-21) –Parable of the Rich Man & Lazarus (16:19-31)
Luke & the Samaritans Disciples and the Samaritans (9:51-56) Parable of the Good Samaritan (10:29-37) Healing of the ten lepers (17:11-19) Samaria Judea Galilee
Luke & Women Luke views the birth of Jesus from Mary’s perspective Luke describes the raising of the widow’s son (7:11-17) Jesus anointed by a sinful woman (7:36-50) Luke mentions that the ministry of Jesus was supported by women (8:1-3) Mary & Martha (10:38-42) Jesus speaks to “daughters of Jerusalem” (23:27-29) Women at the empty tomb (24:1-10)
Outline of Luke Luke 1 – 3Luke 4 – 9Luke 10 – 18Luke 19 – 24 Birth & Baptism of Jesus The Identity of Jesus Jesus… set His face to go to Jerusalem (9:51) The Parables & Teachings of Jesus Death, Burial & Resurrectio n of Jesus Judea & Jordan Galilee On the Road to Jerusalem At Jerusalem PreparationMiraclesParablesSacrifice 30 Years2½ Years6 Months1 Week Preparation & Birth Death & Preparation