Arizona Military Regional Compatibility Project Western Maricopa County/Luke Air Force Base Deb Sydenham, AICP Director, Community Planning Office Arizona Department of Commerce Denver 2003
Statewide endeavor – airports, installations, and the Goldwater Range Department of Defense JLUS grant Western Maricopa County/Luke AFB is phase one, Davis-Monthan AFB and others are phase two State’s role as convener to engage all parties and cross jurisdictional boundaries
Primary Project Objective “This Project is an undertaking of statewide impact designed to find resolutions to land use compatibility and encroachment issues through collaborative effort and strong implementation.”
Background 1995 - Military Airport Preservation Committee, 1988 Contours 2000 - Legislation (SB1514) 2001 - Legislation (SB1525 & SB1120) 2002 - Aviation Advisory Council 2002 - Legislation (SB1393) 2002 - Economic Impact Study
Project Scope Compile & analyze existing plans Identify acceptable and feasible uses of land, taking into account economic viability and compatibility with adjacent uses Consult with stakeholders Identify potential funding sources & financing mechanisms Develop a strong implementation plan
Phase 1 - This Project is about: Balancing Mutually Exclusive Desires Jurisdictions – meeting demands of fast paced growth and new residents Developers/Homebuilders – turn raw land into developable commodity Landowners – gain compensation for highest and best land use (fairness/equity) Luke AFB – maximum mission capability
Western Maricopa County/Luke AFB -- Who’s Been Involved? 11 Jurisdictions Multiple developer, homebuilder, landowner, business and other interests In essence, a herd of cats ...
Headline Evolution
Positive By-Products Increased regional cooperation and strengthening of public/private partnerships Broaden understanding of critical missions of military installations Federal recognition of Arizona’s cohesive approach and unified support for implementation
Critical Benchmarks January ‘02 – Kick-off Project, Put on Hold March ‘02 – Re-engage Project September ‘02 - West Valley & Luke Regional Land Use Open House October ‘02 - Strategies Formulation December ‘02 - Draft Plan for Review, Open House II, Interest Group Mtgs. February ‘03 - Conference Calls March ‘03 - Release Phase 1 Final Plan
Compatibility Project Principles Provide information as early as possible State role is as objective convener of local efforts and stakeholders, and as clearinghouse for data to ensure consistency and completeness Accountability on the part of all participants in providing information and opinions
_____Project Consultant Team Parsons Nationally renowned & recognized leader in urban planning and Air Force Base & military planning Economics Research Associates (ERA) Economic analysis & development, founded in 1958 The Maguire Company Katz & Associates Public Relations specialists
Vicinity Box
Existing Land Use
Existing Population Total 574,535 Avondale 47,610 Buckeye 11,955 City Population Avondale 47,610 Buckeye 11,955 El Mirage 20,645 Glendale 227,495 Goodyear 26,715 Litchfield Park 3,850 Peoria 122,655 Surprise 45,125 Youngtown 3,295 Unincorporated Sun City 38,670 Unincorporated Sun City West 26,520 Total 574,535
Projected Population Total 433,784 2,904,719 570% Avondale 35,883 City 2000 Population Projected Total Build-Out % Increase 2000/ Total Build-Out Avondale 35,883 200,000 457% Buckeye 6,537 500,000 7,549% El Mirage 7,609 33,0005 334% Glendale 218,812 309,2426 41% Goodyear 18,911 688,7777 3,542% Litchfield Park 3,810 17,000 346% Peoria 108,364 486,700 349% Surprise 30,848 670,0008 2,072% Youngtown 3,010 NA Total 433,784 2,904,719 570%
Overflight Area
Land Ownership
Land Use Compatibility Laws & Regulations Federal Air Installation Compatible Use Zone (AICUZ) State Arizona Revised Statutes (ARS) Local General and Comprehensive Plans Zoning
Inconsistent Land Use
Differences in Regulations APZ II Residential (allowed in AICUZ) Retail-Food Service (allowed in AICUZ) 75 dnl contour Outdoor Amphitheaters (allowed in ARS) 70 dnl contour Schools (allowed in AICUZ) 65 – 74 dnl contour Public assembly (allowed in AICUZ)
Trends Growth into the West Valley Replacement of large-scale agriculture Residential uses ahead of employment Multiple jurisdictions Arizona legislature action Luke AFB operations Increased land values
Issues Future incompatible uses Noise as a nuisance Changing regulation Lack of coordination Economic Land valuation Economic impact / benefit of Luke AFB Proportionality of benefits and burdens Compensation vs. Restriction
Issues Implementation Equity Previous planning Vested development Competing jurisdictions Funding Availability Sources Mechanisms
Compatibility Defined Criteria Safety Pilots in the air People on the ground Noise Physical harm Nuisance Mitigation Limit the density of people
Compatible Land Use Plan
Compensation Strategies Compensation precedes restriction Land use compatibility priorities Clear Zone, APZ I, APZ II Be logical and flexible Land acquisition Department of Defense Fee simple Purchase / Lease back
Compensation Strategies Development Rights Purchase Transfer Partnerships
Funding Strategies Land and Water Conservation Fund Property transfer tax Sales tax Regional employment-related uses
Planning Strategies Sunset provision Adoption of Compatible Land Use Plan Desert / open space / agricultural uses Range Access Routes Amend ARS Attenuated uses in 55 and 65 dnl contours Signs in the Notification Area West Valley Compatibility Notification Area
Compatibility Notification Area
Coordination Strategies Governor’s military affairs liaison Proactive Arizona Military Airport Preservation Committee Development Review Model Ordinance Best practice techniques Collaborative partnerships between jurisdictions and Luke AFB
______Next Steps__________ Davis-Monthan JLUS Barry M. Goldwater Range Range Access Routes Gila Bend Auxiliary Airfield Luke Auxiliary 1 Airfield State Policy Guide Ft. Huachuca Marine Corps. Air Station – Yuma Other Installations
Arizona Military Regional Compatibility Project convened by The Arizona Department of Commerce Deb Sydenham, AICP -