Unique Features of Luke. 1.Greek gospel Unique Features of Luke 1.Greek gospel A.Vocabulary.


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Presentation transcript:

Unique Features of Luke

1.Greek gospel

Unique Features of Luke 1.Greek gospel A.Vocabulary

Luke 20:22

Unique Features of Luke 1.Greek gospel A.Vocabulary B.Literary conventions

Unique Features of Luke 1.Greek gospel A.Vocabulary B.Literary conventions 1)Preface

Unique Features of Luke 1.Greek gospel A.Vocabulary B.Literary conventions 1)Preface 2)Patron

Unique Features of Luke 1.Greek gospel A.Vocabulary B.Literary conventions 1)Preface 2)Patron 2.Historian’s gospel

Unique Features of Luke 1.Greek gospel A.Vocabulary B.Literary conventions 1)Preface 2)Patron 2.Historian’s gospel A.Form

Unique Features of Luke 1.Greek gospel A.Vocabulary B.Literary conventions 1)Preface 2)Patron 2.Historian’s gospel A.Form 1)Literary conventions (already noted)

Unique Features of Luke 1.Greek gospel A.Vocabulary B.Literary conventions 1)Preface 2)Patron 2.Historian’s gospel A.Form 1)Literary conventions (already noted) 2)Synchronized dating

Luke 3:1 LK 3:1 In the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar--when Pontius Pilate was governor of Judea, Herod tetrarch of Galilee, his brother Philip tetrarch of Iturea and Traconitis, and Lysanias tetrarch of Abilene-- 2 during the high priesthood of Annas and Caiaphas, the word of God came to John son of Zechariah in the desert. Thucycides Peloponnesian War In the fifteenth year of the armistice, in the priesthood at Argos of Chrysis, then in her forty-eighth year of service, in the ephorship of Ainesias at Sparta, in the archonship among the Athenians of Pythodorus with two months still to serve, in the sixth month after the battle at Potidaea, at the beginning of the spring, came men from Thebes....

Unique Features of Luke 1.Greek gospel A.Vocabulary B.Literary conventions 1)Preface 2)Patron 2.Historian’s gospel A.Form 1)Literary conventions (already noted) 2)Synchronized dating B.Content

Unique Features of Luke 1.Greek gospel A.Vocabulary B.Literary conventions 1)Preface 2)Patron 2.Historian’s gospel A.Form 1)Literary conventions (already noted) 2)Synchronized dating B.Content 1)Narratives 4-10 John’s birth Jesus’ birth Jesus’ boyhood 131 Journey through Samaria Journey to Jerusalem 183 Zaccheus 234 Trial before Herod 238 Terrorist on cross Road to Emmaus

Unique Features of Luke 1.Greek gospel A.Vocabulary B.Literary conventions 1)Preface 2)Patron 2.Historian’s gospel A.Form 1)Literary conventions (already noted) 2)Synchronized dating B.Content 1)Narratives 2)Miracles 51 Catch at 2 nd calling 74 Widow of Nain 152 Bent-over woman 164 Man with dropsy lepers

Unique Features of Luke 1.Greek gospel A.Vocabulary B.Literary conventions 1)Preface 2)Patron 2.Historian’s gospel A.Form 1)Literary conventions (already noted) 2)Synchronized dating B.Content 1)Narratives 2)Miracles 3)Parables

Unique Features of Luke 1.Greek gospel A.Vocabulary B.Literary conventions 1)Preface 2)Patron 2.Historian’s gospel A.Form 1)Literary conventions (already noted) 2)Synchronized dating B.Content 1)Narratives 2)Miracles 3)Parables 77 Big and little debtors 141 Good Samaritan 143 Friend at midnight 147 Big barn fool 151 Unproductive fig tree 164Dinner excuses 165Tower & battle 166Lost sheep, coin, & son 167 Crooked steward 168 Rich man & Lazarus 175 Unjust judge Pharisee & tax collector

3.Universal gospel

A.Samaritans 131 Won’t destroy village 141 Good Samaritan 173 Only Samaritan says “Thanks.”

3.Universal gospel A.Samaritans B.Gentiles 15 Light to the Gentiles 45 Only Gentiles blessed 73 Centurion’s faith 162 E, W, N, & S at table 258 Preach to all nations

3.Universal gospel A.Samaritans B.Gentiles C.The poor 7 Mary’s song 15 Poor person’s offering 45 Preach gospel to poor 65 Blessed are the poor 164 Invite the poor

3.Universal gospel A.Samaritans B.Gentiles C.The poor D.The outcast 166 Prodigal son 183 Zacheus 238 Terrorist on cross

3.Universal gospel A.Samaritans B.Gentiles C.The poor D.The outcast E.Women 5-7 Elizabeth & Mary 15 Anna 78 Women disciples 142 Mary & Martha

3.Universal gospel A.Samaritans B.Gentiles C.The poor D.The outcast E.Women 4.Prayer gospel

3.Universal gospel A.Samaritans B.Gentiles C.The poor D.The outcast E.Women 4.Prayer gospel A.Unique prayers 27 before baptism 52 after healing leper 63 before choosing disciples 118 before P’s confession 121 at Transfiguration 143 before Lord’s Prayer 216 before Peter’s denial 238 on cross

3.Universal gospel A.Samaritans B.Gentiles C.The poor D.The outcast E.Women 4.Prayer gospel A.Unique prayers B.Instructions on prayer 143 LP & friend at midnight 175 Unjust judge 207 In Garden -- don’t fall 226 Pray escape tribulation

3.Universal gospel A.Samaritans B.Gentiles C.The poor D.The outcast E.Women 4.Prayer gospel A.Unique prayers B.Instructions on prayer 5.Holy Spirit gospel 4 JB filled with S 5 J born in power of S 6 E filled with S 9 Z filled with S 15 S tells S he won’t die 28 S fills J and leads him 38 J goes to G in power of S 140 J rejoices in S 143 God gives S when asked