The Hero’s Journey Featuring Star Wars VI: The Return of the Jedi By Zack White
The Ordinary World Luke Skywalker’s home land is Tatooine; this is where the story begins.
Call to Adventure Luke Skywalker is told to leave his comfort zone and fly out to the Death Star to confront Vader.
Refusal of the Call Luke doesn’t think he can confront Vader alone; he feels he is not ready yet. He also feels he cannot kill his own father.
Supernatural Aid Light Saber, the force, Lea, R2D2, C3PO, and Han Solo were all Supernatural Aids for Luke.
Crossing the Threshold Luke crossed the threshold when he asked the command ship to deactivate the shield so he could fly down to Endor.
In the Belly of the Whale Luke was in the belly of the whale when he went down to the moon of Endor to turn off the shield generator.
The Road of Trials Luke was tested on the moon of Endor when he was being chased by storm troopers. Luke is almost set to flame by the Ewoks but uses the force to get out of it.
The Meeting with the Goddess Luke met with Yoda, Yoda confirmed that Luke’s father was Vader and also told him Lea was too.
The Woman as the Temptress Lea is the woman as the temptress Luke’s sister is telling Luke to leave because Vader can feel his presence.
Atonement with the Father Luke surrenders so he can meet with Vader. Luke tries to convert Vader to the good side, but he doesn’t accept it.
Apotheosis Luke reaches the point of ecstasy when he overcomes his hatred for the dark side and is not converted that easily. He does not slay Vader because Luke didn’t need to and still saw the good in Vader.
The Ultimate Boon Luke’s ultimate boon is received when he completes his destiny by defeating the emperor and is not being converted to the dark side.
Refusal of the Return He refused to leave Vader in the Death Star to die while they blow it up; Luke does not want to leave him.
Magic in Flight Luke’s magic in flight was when he escaped the Death Star as it blows up just in time.
Rescue from Without Not Available
Crossing the Return Threshold When Luke exited the death star fleeing from the explosion he crossed the return threshold.
Master of Two Worlds Luke now understands the force and the power of the dark side.
Freedom to Live Luke received the freedom to live because he defeated the dark side.