The DEKA Arm Michael Heath
Problem Being Solved Loss of upper limbs in war Paralysis Gives use to arm, isn’t just a “fake” arm
History of Prosthetic Arms First prosthetic arms thought to be used 1,000 years ago Movable joints with control used in early 1800s US government agency for advancing prostheses formed in 1945 after WWII Largely unchanged since then The standard of care today is a body-powered “hook”
Current State The DEKA or “Luke” arm Gen 1, 2, and 3 3 types: RC, HC, and SC 12 Dimensions of motion and counting
Gen 1 (generation 1) Project started at DEKA in 2006 Simultaneous control of multiple powered degrees of freedom • Advanced grasp control • Touch feedback • Strength, range of motion, and speed to perform daily activities • Tolerance to outdoor environments • Advanced control
The “Luke” Gen 2 Refinements made to Gen 1 prototype Designed for clinical study platform Able to support up to 3 different amputations levels (RC, HC, SC) Extensive testing by subjects helped to give feedback to support GEN 3
3 Configurations Radial Humeral Shoulder
The “luke” gen 3 10 degrees of freedom - 5 brushless and 5 brushed DC motors 6 pre-programmed hand grips Rechargeable Li-Ion battery Multiple user input devices available ( foot sensors)
Limitations Price: cold start at over $100,000 apiece Short life span No “one size fits all” Small market Not fully waterproof
Future Direction New DEKA arm in testing/developing stages Clinical trials performed Completely controlled by thought Electrodes implanted into brain Arm is “trained” Jan Scheuermann (right)
References Deka's Luke Arm In Clinical Trials, Is it the Future of Prosthetics? (Video). (2009, January 1). Retrieved September 27, 2014. Doyon, T. (2012, October 1). Bio-Robotics: The DEKA Luke Prosthetic Arm. Retrieved September 30, 2014. Griggs, B. (2014, May 1). FDA approves 'Star Wars' bionic arm. Retrieved September 26, 2014, from Guizzo, E. (2014, January 1). Dean Kamen's "Luke Arm" Prosthesis Receives FDA Approval. Retrieved September 26, 2014. Hruska, J. (n.d.). FDA approves the Deka arm, the first commercial mind-controlled prosthetic arm. Norton, K. (2007, November 1). A Brief History of Prosthetics. Retrieved September 30, 2014. Otto. (2013, February 1). Retrieved September 26, 2014. Resnik. (2013). The DEKA Arm: Its features, functionality, and evolution during the Veterans Affairs Study to optimize the DEKA Arm. Prosthetics and Orthotics International. Statistics on hand and arm loss. (2014, February 4). Retrieved September 26, 2014.