Nick Staley, Parker Cahn, Nathalie Unico, Lucy King, and Hanna Luckenbach The Heroic Cycle: Luke Skywalker and Odysseus
The Call Luke SkywalkerOdysseus Luke Receives a desperate call from Princess Leia begging for help against the Empire. Athena convinces Zeus to let Hermes free Odysseus from Calypso
Preparation Luke SkywalkerOdysseus Luke recruits the help of Han Solo and Chewbacca and obtains a lightsaber from Obi Wan Kenobi. Odysseus builds his ship and obtains supplies from Calypso for his journey home.
Crossing Luke SkywalkerOdysseus Luke and his allies board the Millenium Falcon and enter the universe. Hermes convinces Calypso to let Odysseus leave the island and begin his journey home
Trials Luke SkywalkerOdysseus The Falcon is captured by the Death Star, and Luke must rescue Princess Leia. Poseidon attacks Odysseus at sea for blinding Polyphemus, encounters with Sirens, Scylla and Charybdis.
Saving Experience Luke SkywalkerOdysseus Obi Wan Kenobi disables the Death Star tractor beam, allowing an escape. Ino gives Odysseus a veil which will prevent Odysseus from drowning.
Transforming Luke SkywalkerOdysseus Luke joins the Rebellion assault team attacking the Death Star. There is little chance the team will destroy the station. Odysseus lands on unfamiliar land and loses hope of returning home.
Return and Sharing Luke SkywalkerOdysseus Luke destroys the Death Star and decides to continue his fight against the Empire. Odysseus finally returns to Ithaca and saves Penelope from the suitors.