Luke The Lord has given us all our possessions and abilities. If we serve Him, the Lord will give us greater blessings, but if not He will take away what we have Luke 16:1-15 Luke 18: Luke 19: Nephi 28:;30 After death everyone enters the spirit world, where the wicked are in hell (spirit prison) and the righteous are in paradise Luke 16: Alma 34: Alma 40: Those not convinced of the truth by a prophet’s words will not be convinced by a miracle Luke 16: We should persist in humble prayer receive the Lord’s blessing Luke 18: 1-8 Alma 34: A willingness to sacrifice all we have for God’s kingdom helps bring us to Christ Luke 18: Omni 1:26 Moroni 10:32-33
Luke 16 Jesus gives the parable of the unjust steward He teaches of service and condemns divorce He gives the parable of the rich man and Lazarus
Luke 17 Jesus speaks of offenses, forgiveness, and faith Even the faithful are unprofitable servants Ten lepers are healed Jesus discourses on the Second Coming
Luke 18 Jesus gives the parables of the unjust judge and the Pharisee and publican He invites little children to come unto him and teaches how to gain eternal life He tells of his coming death and resurrection and gives sight to a blind man
Luke StewardServant StewardshipResponsibility Fared sumptuouslyLived in luxury Abraham’s bosomThe sprit world, more specifically paradise OffencesActions that cause people to stumble or sin MillstoneLarge round stone used to grind grain GirdPrepare (refers to tying up one’s long robes around the waist to get ready to work) NoeNoah
Luke Avenge meProvide justice or fairness Bear longEndure ManifoldMany times as much Spitefully Insulted entreated