World of the common day Luke wants to go fight in the war, but his uncle won’t let him, but he finds droids with a message and everything changes. His uncle gets attacked, and he goes off to fight! Ender gets his monitor removed. And then he beats up Stilson.
The call to adventure Luke’s goal is to go make a difference in the long run, and ultimately win the war! Ender goes off to fight in battle school!
Refusal of the call Luke isn’t sure this is what he wants to do yet, but he gets past his fear. Ender doesn’t want anyone to think he’s a killer, but he doesn’t want to let down all these people.
Meeting with the mentor Luke meets with yoda. Graff becomes Endor’s mentor for now.
Tests, friends and enemies Luke keeps hearing rumors about Darth Vader, and his friends are off fighting. Ender begins playing the game, and finally gets past the giant.
Approach the inmost cave Darth Vader explodes a planet. All hope is lost. Ender is moved up to command school. He is getting ready for the battle.
Supreme Ordeal Luke fights Darth Vader Ender fights the buggers for real
Reward Death Star is blown up The buggers are defeated.
The road back Luke returns with his story Ender embarks on the journey to the bugger planet.
Return With elixir Luke earns his medals Ender writes speaker for the dead.